Sunday, July 12, 2009

Save the CSU


Dear Friend,

As we suffer the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression, our government has bailed out banks, corporations, and executive management. Now these hard times are threatening our California educational system and our children's future. Governor Schwarzenegger is demanding cuts to higher education. In turn, CSU Chancellor Reed is taking steps that will result in drastic cuts to the number of classes offered, mass furloughs, and possible layoffs of CSU faculty — with no guarantees of when this will end.

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1 comment:

  1. It's a nice appeal, and like UC efforts appears to be coming from the faculty rather than the admin leadership--but it also appears to assume that either the state has the money or that people will up and vote new taxes. Perhaps the idea is reforming existing taxes, such as the inequitably implemented Prop 13.... Beyond appeal, needs to be an actual plan....wonder what that is....


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