Friday, February 7, 2020

Budget Strategy: A Poem

Gavin Newsom took an axe
And gave the budget 40 whacks.

When they saw what he had done
The Board of Regents praised the sun.

Student support all cut out
Diverse publics? Funds in doubt.

The state brought shortfalls far and wide

More degrees? 200,000!
More state funds?  You'll do without them!

Note that UCOP in its wisdom
Said poor kids need high tuition

Though low tuition made more sense
 Such proposals brought offense

Fixing buildings - $20 billion!
The state might give you $50 million

More doctorates! we thought you cared
Yes but no, your costs aren't shared

State income's rising, that's quite true
Lots of growth, just not for you.


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