- Taser Use Restricted by US Court of Appeals (McClatchy DC 12/29/09)
- UCPD Abuses Must Be Recognized (Daily Bruin 12/7/09)
- UCLA Faculty Express Concern About Police (Daily Bruin 12/7/09)
- UCLA Police Tactics to be Reviewed (LAT 12/5/09)
- UC Student Says Fee Battle Should be Taken to the State (Calitics 12/4/09)
- Student on links between UC and California's Broken Political System (Calitics 12/4/09)
- Open Letter to Chanellor Block on Police (UCLA Faculty 12/3/09)
- UC Fee Protests Starts New Era of Activism? (IHE 12/3/09)
- Ananya Roy and Nelson Maldonado-Torres on Nov. 20 Protests (Daily Cal 12/1/09)
- Further Thoughts on Wheeler (Tim Clark 11/27/09)
- Students Will Stay at UC in Spite of Fee Hikes (OC Register 11/27/09)
- Berkeley Senate Statement on Wheeler Hall Protests (Christopher Kutz 11/25/09)
- Unnatural Enemies: Polarization at UC (IHE 11/25/09)
- Berkeley Senate Statement on Wheeler Hall Protests (Christopher Kutz, etc. 11/25/09)
- UCB Grad Student Open Letter to Chancellor Birgenau (Indybay 11/24/09)
- UC Irvine "Funeral for Higher Education" 12 noon (Facebook 11/24/09)
- Freakaonomics Says Fees Hikes R Good (NYT 11/23/09)
- Murray Sperber: Protests in Favor of Education (CHE 11/23/09)
- Photos of UCOP Sit-in (Indybay 11/23/09)
- Contra Costa Times: Fee Hikes "A Blow" to UC Students (Contra Costa Times 11/23/09)
- UCLA Protest Photos (Saving UCLA)
- Letter to Chancellor Birgenau on Police Use of Violence (UCB Faculty 11/22/09)
- More Coverage of Santa Cruz Protests (Indybay 11/22/09)
- UC-AFT President on Protest (Bob Samuels 11/22/09)
- Eyewitness at UCLA Protests (Bob Samuels 11/22/09)
- Student's "Aren't Exaggerating" (SF Gate 11/21/09)
- Student Protestors Need a Reality Check (SD U-T 11/21/09)
- UC On the Brink (LAT 11/21/09)
- Compilation of Coverage of Fee Hike Protests (11/21/09)
- Compilation of Coverage of Fee Hike Protests (Various 11/21/09)
- Dozens Arrested to End Berkeley Protest (CBS 11/21/09)
- Police Take Aim (Image 11/21/09)
- UCSB Faculty Legislature's Resolution Against Fee Hikes (11/21/09)
- UC Davis Protests and 52 Arrests (Aggie TV, CNN 11/20/09)
- UCSD Protest Video (YouTube 11/20/09)
- Eyewitness Account of Wheeler Hall Events (Ananya Roy 11/20/09)
- Eyewitness Account of Wheeler Hall Events (Shannon Steen 11/20/09)
- Demands of Students Occupying Kerr Hall UC Santa Cruz (SC Sentinel 11/20/09)
- Democracy Now on UC: Protests, Fee Hikes, Budgets (Democracy Now 11/20/09)
- PBS NewsHour Coverage of UC Fee Hikes (at 31:45 remaining) (PBS 11/20/09)
- 52 Arrests at UC Davis (SJ Mercury 11/20/09)
- Protests Continue on Campuses (NYT 11/20/09)
- Why Are You Protesting? UCLA (NBCLA 11/20/09)
- Wheeler Hall Occupation List of Demands (11/20/09)
- Yudof Says All Students Will Be Able to Afford UC (SF Gate 11/20/09)
- UC Santa Cruz Sit-In at Admin Bldg (SC Sentinel 11/20/09)
- UC Davis Sit-In and Arrests at Mrak Hall (Aggie TV/CNN 11/20/09)
- Regents Approve 32% Fee Hike (LAT 11/20/09)
- Regents on the Run UCLA (YouTube 11/19/09)
- Some Things Money Can't Buy: Education (YouTube 11/19/09)
- The Necrosocial (Occupied UC 11/19/09)
- Student Eyewitness Accounts of UC Protests (UCLA, UCB Students 11/19/09)
- Eyewitness Account of UCLA Fee Hike Protests (Christopher Newfield 11/19/09)
- Taser Recap UCLA (LAist 11/19/09)
- UC Santa Cruz Protests Fee Hikes (SC Sentinel 11/19/09)
- Regents Approve Fee Hikes; Students Arrested (SF Gate 11/19/09)
- Regents Mtg Rally Saving UCLA! (Saving UCLA 11/19/09)
- UCSD Roundtable: Remaking the Public University in the 21st Century (UCSD 11/19/09)
- Estimated 600 Students Protest, Occupy (Daily Bruin 19/09)
- UCLA Student Protest Grows (LAT 11/19/09)
- Regents Raise Fees 32% (NYT 11/19/09)
- UCLA Student Tasered by Campus Police (NYT 11/19/09)
- Democracy Now on UC: The California Democracy Act (Democracy Now 11/18/09)
- UCSC Protest Photo (Indy Bay 11/18/09)
- Pictures of UCB Rally and March (Images 11/18/09)
- UCLA Crisis Fest (Event page 11/18/09)
- Photos of UC Berkeley Rally (Images 11/18/09)
- Regents Hike Fees with a Vengeance (LAT 11/18/09)
- UCLA Party: Night of Mayhem (Facebook 11/18/09)
- Regents Approve Fee Hikes; Students Arrested (SFGate 11/18/09)
- Eight Arrested at Regents Meeting at UCLA (LAT 11/18/09)
- Democracy Now on UC: Why Are We Destroying Public Higher Education (Democracy Now 11/17/09)
- KPCC Patt Morrison - 3-Part UC Roundtable at UCLA (KPCC 11/17/09)
- UC Regents Meeting Agenda (Regents 11/17-19/09)
- Crisis in the Public University (YouTube 11/16/09)
- Rally at Cheadle against Fee Hikes (Facebook 11/16/09)
- Additional Call from UCLA Crisis Fest for Regent's Meeting (11/15/09)
- UCOF Meeting Agenda Oakland Marriott (UCOF 11/12/09)
- Transportation Info to UCLA Regents Meeting Nov 17-19 (11/12/09)
- Why the Walkout Was Necessary (Joshua Clover, YouTube 9/17/09)
- UCLA Resists Blog (2009)
- New Fact Sheet on UC Privatization
- Governing and Management Principles Statement (David P. Gardner 10/20/05)
- Berkeley Protest and Occupation Blog (Zunguzungu)
- Twitter UC Strike
PhD Plans (Between the Lines)
5 hours ago