Even the Regents don't seem to buy UCOP's Magic Tuition Machine But they are happy to raise executive salaries.
Regent David Crane thinks UC should become more like a private university.
Berkeley Public Education Coalition responds to Tuition increases.
Regents discuss Graduate Funding.
And the LAO is skeptical that UC needs so much money. (h/t Dan Mitchell)
Is the renovation of Cal Stadium a huge financial mistake? (h/t Catherine Cole)
The Defense has rested its case in the Irvine 11 case.
Illinois Labor Board certifies a faculty union at UIC. Of course the administration is vowing to appeal.
Cutting Administration may not be everything. But it sure isn't nothing.
Looks like the budget of the NSF is going to get cut.
Dean Baker offers some thoughts on the David Brooks lack of thought.
Ron Susskind reports that Tim Geithner blocked order to restructure Citibank.
Yves Smith doesn't believe that story for a second.
If you want to improve K-12 education you need to work with teachers not attack them.
Applications for Unemployment are up, the economy is down, and the political class is pushing for more cuts to government spending.
Have a great weekend.
Lost Funding
3 hours ago
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