As Chris noted yesterday, Jerry Brown has released his 2012-13 budget proposal. It is heavy on cuts to welfare and social services and filled with threats to cut education in a devastating manner if he doesn't get his proposed tax increases.
The Higher Ed section of Brown's proposals can be found here. While the Governor makes a lot of noise about increased funding for UC and CSU over last year, if you look at the 2007-2008 totals you will see that both systems are still down 700 Million in General Fund support. (3) Predictably, UCOP rushed out a statement from Patrick Lenz doffing their caps and thanking the Governor for his generosity. You do get the impression though that what makes them happiest is " the governor's willingness to grant UC leadership maximum flexibility in navigating these fiscal times" because nothing is more important to UC's future than that.
UCR has established a task-force to look into protest guidelines. There is already protest about the Task-force's lack of transparency.
Oh, and UCR Chancellor White has decided to challenge UCOP for the University's "Highlight in Sycophancy Award" with his subtle comparison of Christopher Edley to Merlin in his second letter here.
New NIH Rules will make Universities cover more of researchers' salaries.
Bloomberg reports that UCSD's search for International Students is hurting admission possibilities for Asian-American residents of California. HuffPo has more. I'm sure that these developments will deepen public commitment to the University.
The Next Step in Higher Ed Efficiency?: Hebrew University is requiring students grade their peers papers because the institution has so little money.
The US economy created 200,000 jobs last month. But Dean Baker doesn't want anyone to get carried away by the news.
Eurozone unemployment on the other hand is up. Merkozy are planning on making it worse through continued austerity measures. Oh, and for those intellectual historians out there you might be interested in this discussion of the Continental version of Anglo Neo-Liberal thought.
Andrew Cuomo continues to govern New York as the financial industry wants him to: buys into the educational reform mantras. No details of course.
Lost Funding
3 hours ago
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