Bob Samuels reflects on Mark Yudof's response to President Obama's education initiative. Yudof seems to be making the rounds as he talks here as well.
Students at Berkeley Challenge Edley and Robinson: Why Have an Armed Police Force on Campus?
The California Budget Project has a new study of the deep effects that the recession and budget cuts in California have had on women and families.
Catherine Liu was interviewed on Left Business Observer about her book American Idyll.
David Sirota points to reasons to doubt the "myth of the education crisis."
Claremont McKenna admits that it inflated its average SAT scores for several years. Of course they are not the only ones who have tried to game the ranking system.
Controversy continues to swirl around Pomona College and its decision to fire immigrant workers without documents.
In California Republican registration continues to drop; Decline to State continues to Rise.
Both Florida and Georgia are debating legislation to limit opportunities for undocumented students.
New analysis suggests that online may work best when students are using it only part-time.
Indiana adds new anti-union law.
Even the IMF realizes that European austerity has gone too far. Maybe more will notice the massive unemployment and demoralization of the austere.
Not safe
23 hours ago
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