That's the author's sequencing, not mine. Drell is tossing out a lot of faculty time and effort, for starters. She's throwing people who almost got jobs back into a terrible job market. And for how much savings--one year of payroll for how many new faculty? Unknown. (Update: On April 1st, UC Berkeley announced their own hiring freeze, counting $100 million in covid-related costs, on a $3 billion base).
Another example, from Brown University at the other end of the financial spectrum. Their provost is not canceling searches already "well under way," but has frozen future hiring other than "a very few critically strategic hires in the year ahead." A number of very wealthy elite universities are following suit (Emory, Columbia, Penn . . ): see Bryan Alexander's growing spreadsheet and also this very long one.
Here's a third case, from a state system with 23 campuses and over 450,000 students.
"All open searches are to be stopped"-- unless the top 2 campus officers agree that it's "vital." They are now the sole originators of searches, "if they deem it necessary." How many searches are cancelled--hundreds across all campuses? We don't know.
Translation for all three, and the other freezes now occurring: "we expect the ship to take on water in the coming storm. So first we'll throw early career researchers overboard."
Note two other features. These senior officials don't offer financial modeling to explain or justify the freezes. Second, these are top-down decisions, devoid of shared governance. They identify no consultation with the units affected. A full range of operational answers aren't produced. What will this do to your major? to your students graduating? to their learning? to department functions? How will this affect your research, short, medium, and long term? What does this do to your doctoral program? How does it affect doctoral education in any particular discipline. There's no information.
Academia has long let financial factors dominate or simply ignore educational ones, to the long-term detriment of education. Administration becomes a transmission belt in which a crisis in the outside world immediately becomes a crisis in the institution. In addition to hurting education, this kind of management robs the institution of agency. It also fails the essential public job of countercyclical actions that resist the cycle of shutdown--consumption crash--job loss--no money--more closures.
But wait, you say, this is the Great Depression 2.0. 3.3 million new unemployment claims last week, all sorts of back-of-the-envelope fun being had by Fed economists, etc.. Shouldn't the funding collapse override all other factors?
No. Hell no. A thousand times no.
Managers must always think about the welfare of their whole institutions, which means considering multiple factors when allocating funds. In this case, that includes how a cut or a freeze will affect
- immediate institutional solvency
- long term institutional solvency
- the university's immediate operations, like teaching and research
- the university's long term operations, like teaching and research
- university personnel (sunk effort, effectiveness, fairness, morale, continuation, recovery)
- the disciplines represented in the university
- the overall profession of college teaching and research
Drell and White aren't to blame for the defective managerial culture in higher ed nationally, but they are enacting it here. Universities have long dealt with present fiscal crises by sacrificing the future: in addition to their epic passages of deferred maintenance and the like, they have addressed chronic financial shortfalls by hiring temporary faculty rather than permanent ones or by hiring no new faculty at all. They have not invoked items (3) through (7) above and said to their legislatures, governing boards, senior managers, wealthy donors, etc., "we cannot offer quality instruction, which in universities always includes a research dimension, by adjuncting more than X percent of our faculty." (X was traditionally 1/3rd averaged across the sector.) They have not said this. The long-term results have been
- massive shrinking of the tenure-track job market
- destabilization of doctoral study (doing intellectual as well as personal damage)
- transformation of advanced study into precarity
- endangerment of the quality and continuity of academic disciplines
A few concluding policy thoughts:
- Tenured faculty need to bring this repeated sacrifice of the rising academic generations into the sphere of institutional politics. This means strong objections to pauses, freezes, closures, and future downgradese. We need to fight this, and design alternatives.
- Universities must demand new federal stimulus funds-- beyond the $14 billion (on a nearly $60 billion request) that POTUS signed last week--specifically to maintain the academic workforce. See Michael's post for context and argument. Another giant federal stimulus bill is going to have to happen in the next few weeks. The main point of stimulus funds is sustaining employment. Given the employment crisis in the society at large, universities should be increasing hiring and trying to employ more people, to ease the pressure on other sectors. Universities should use the crisis to absorb unemployed PhDs from former years and put them to work in the jobs these graduates of our doctoral programs sacrificed years of their lives to do. More tenure-track employment will also upgrade instruction such that the undergrads we've sent home are more likely to come back. See MLA Executive Director Paula Krebs' excellent short piece on this topic.
- The federal government should allocate bailout funds to universities only on the condition that they reverse hiring chills and freezes, maintain their workforces, and try the countercyclical economic work of expanding them.