Recent decades have witnessed: (a) a systematic shift of institutional monies from educational to administrative expenditures; (b) a disjuncture between rapidly rising tuition versus overused and underpaid contingent faculty and graduate student employees; (c) a growing gap between rising numbers of Full Time Equivalent students and the numbers of tenure-track faculty; and (d) a growing gap between faculty/academic professional and senior administrative salaries. Each of these patterns work to the detriment of educational quality, institutional effectiveness, student access and success, and broad social benefit.
A model for other associations
13 hours ago
This is an articulate (and partial) list of the kinds of moves made by a "politics of caution". What is the cumulative effect, over 15 years, of missing small thing after small thing? If the blimp stays trim as it descends, it is not, apparently, a crash.
Jim Collins in How the Mighty Fall identifies the third stage of corporate failure as the denial of risk.
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