Last Wednesday (December 7) qui parle, Reclamations, and Representations organized a public forum on the present crisis, ongoing protests, and future prospects of the public University. Each Journal has recently put out a special issue on the topic: qui parle's "Higher Education on its Knees," Reclamations' "Generation of Debt," and Representations' "The Humanities and the Crisis of Public University." But the talks were not simply about the special issues. Instead they ranged farther afield to address the questions of where we are and what is to be done.
We will be publishing texts of talks from the Forum this week. We will begin tomorrow (December 12) with James Vernon's Introduction to the Forum and Chris Newfield's presentation, and then followed up the talks of Wendy Brown, Rei Terada and others. Please check back for the actual papers and please use the comment space as a way to further discuss and extend the issues raised.
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