As the UC Turns
Ignore those raises behind the curtain: Regents manage to find money to raise salaries of high administrators.
On Tuesday, Students and Faculty at Davis debated what is to be done. 242 Davis Professors Sign Letter in Support of Katehi.
Birgeneau canceled his scheduled appearance at the Graduate Student Assembly on Thursday.
Occupy Cal presses UCPD Review Board to act on November 9th events. Board demurs.
These are the Colleges of Your Lives
Despite faculty opposition, CUNY administration revamps GE requirements.
The NSF lays out its priorities for social science research.
Duke's Faculty Council approves Business degree to be offered in China.
Students in NYC are protesting their increasing debt load.
All My Crises
Is the US going to become a neo-Third World Country?
Paul Krugman wonders if European leaders have the wisdom not to destroy the European Economy. He doubts it. Apparently, Angela Merkel wants to prove him correct.
Digby has the latest on the GOP's effort to suppress voting rights so they can win in 2012.
While Marcy Wheeler relates the latest steps Michigan's governor is taking to take self-governance from half of the state's African-American population.
American Airlines will probably use bankruptcy to ditch its pension liabilities. How much leeway do companies have to abrogate previous benefits agreements?
Lost Funding
3 hours ago
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