More than 10 Arrested at UCLA protest over low numbers of under-represented students.
The NYT finally notices that state cuts are destroying public higher ed in California.
Talks between Students and Government in Quebec have collapsed. Protests continue.
State funds and federal loans are weakening Community Colleges and funneling resources to for-profit institutions.
Davis isn't alone. Campus deals with banks are breaking out all over.
In case you have forgotten about what the University of California once imagined, Catherine Cole has a new site to help you remember.
Wesleyan University to end need-blind admissions.
Graduate enrollment in engineering, health and science grew 30% last decade according to NSF.
Bob Kerry controversy at New School continues. Apparently they are paying him millions a year as Emeritus President.
AAUP and New Faculty Majority speak out in favor of Adjunct allegedly fired for political activism at Texas A&M.
UK crackdown on immigration may damage university enrollments.
Germany turns to applied science universities.
European students ask: Is College worth it in a depression?
English students face large fee increases.
Not safe
9 hours ago
And yet, even in the middle of its surprisingly fact-based dissertation, the Times still feels like it has to provide "balance" in the form of filthy "Jon Coupal, the president of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association."
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