Jerry signs the budget. Mostly cuts but hoping for increased revenues. You can read the budget summary here. CBP offers some thoughts.
UC and CSU offered deals to prevent tuition increases: UC says it will accept but CSU not so sure. Of course this all depends on whether or not the tax initiatives pass in November. Brown gambling that people won't want to cut education further.
In case you missed it, Supreme Court upheld most of the Affordable Care Act. But the ruling on Medicaid may allow greater disparities among states. More thinking on that here.
Roberts may also have taken the first step towards limiting the Commerce Clause to institute social programs. Although there is debate about that.
Even though a lot of people will be talking about John Marshall today we shouldn't forget Jefferson's University: The UVA Board reinstated Sullivan of course. But the battle over what that means is only beginning. How will it affect faculty governance?
AAUP calls for adjuncts and contingent faculty to be included fully in academic governance.
Graduate Student Debt is going to get even deeper.
Sympathy is Cheap: it doesn't look like the Feds will provide any new funding for Universities.
Not safe
9 hours ago
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