- The Fight for Free College Is Your Fight Too (CHE 7/23/19)
- Johns Hopkins Students Escalate Sit-in Over Proposed Campus Police Force (IHE 5/8/19)
- Johns Hopkins’ Latest Plan for Police Force Prompts Protest From Students, Faculty, Neighbors (Popular Resistance 2/14/19)
- I Was a Student Worker Fighting for a $15 Wage. Now, I’m Facing a Criminal Record. (Portside 2/5/19)
- Hungary’s Attack on Gender Studies (Public Seminar 11/29/18)
- Can Students Save George Soros's School? (NYT 11/29/18)
- The Central European University under Siege (Academe Blog 11/28/18)
- UVA Bans 10 White Nationalists In Light Of Charlottesville Violence (Talking Points Memo 10/26/18)
- Annual Report Documents Attacks on Students and Scholars Worldwide (IHE 10/23/18)
- Administrators, Students and Activists Take Stock Three Years After 2015 Missouri Protests (IHE 9/12/18)
- Protesters tear down Confederate statue at UNC Chapel Hill (IHE 8/21/18)
- In Name of Free Speech, States Crack Down on Campus Protests (NYT 6/14/18)
- UC Students Deliver Chipotle as They Lobby CA for Funding (Sac Bee 5/31/18)
- With a Nod to '68, Columbia Grad Students Strike (Jewish Currents 4/25/18)
- Graduate Student Union to Strike on April 24 Unless University Begins Bargaining (Columbia Spectator 4/16/18)
- New York University Students End Protest After Warnings of Disciplinary Action (Wa Po 4/12/18)
- Howard Students End Protest, Win Concessions From University (The Root 4/7/18)
- Striking Resemblances (Public Books 4/5/18)
- UF Pays County $67K for Richard Spencer Event (Gainesville Sun 3/28/18)
- U Illinois Graduate Students Reach Tentative Contract Deal After Nearly Two-Week Strike (IHE 3/9/18)
- After Fights and Arrests, Richard Spencer Speaks to Tiny Crowd at Michigan State (HuffPo 3/5/18)
- Protests Decry USC Administrators' Takeover of Student-Funded Scholarship Program (LAT 1/24/18)
- Uncertainty for Grad Students as Tax Bill Goes to Conference (IHE 12/6/17)
- Administering Evil (The Baffler 11/29/17)
- College Administrators: No Easy Answers for Controversial Speakers (IHE 11/14/17)
- U of Oregon Protesters Who Stopped President's Speech Offered Deal to Avoid Punishment (IHE 11/2/17)
- Suggested International Students Could Be Reported to ICE if They Unionized (Nation 10/5/17)
- The Biggest Threat on Campus Has Nothing To Do With Free Speech (Salon 9/2/17)
- Another Side Of The Evergreen State College Story (Huff Po 8/11/17)
- Claremont McKenna Suspends 5 Students for Blocking a Speech (IHE 7/18/17)
- Long After Protests, Students Shun the University of Missouri (NYT 7/9/17)
- A Campus Argument Goes Viral. Now the College Is Under Siege. (NYT 6/16/17)
- Why the US Needs to Revive a Massive Student Movement: The Case of Higher Education in California (Truthout 6/5/17)
- On the Yale University Unionization Efforts (LARB 5/16/17)
- Yale Grad Students Go on Hunger Strike Over Union Flap (New Haven Register 4/25/17)
- Republican Lawmakers Introduce Bills to Curb Protesting in At Least 18 States (Wa Po 2/24/17)
- The Resistance Files: When Milo Comes to Campus (Historista 2/14/17)
- Freedom of Speech, Protest, and the Idea of a University (BU 2/14/17)
- Do Recent Student Demonstrations Signal a New Trend in Activism? (IHE 2/7/17)
- Shooting at U of Washington as Tensions Grow Over Milo Yiannopoulos Speeches (IHE 1/23/17)
- Calif. Community College Faculty Picket for Contract (IHE 11/16/16)
- Victory at Harvard! (Academe Blog 10/26/16)
- Harvard Calls on Employees to Volunteer During Strike (Harvard Crimson 10/10/16)
- Theory and Practice at the University of Chicago (Academe Blog 6/11/16)
- On Eve of Graduation, University of Chicago Student President Faces Expulsion (NYT 6/8/16)
- Support CCSF Faculty Strike (Academe Blog 4/23/16)
- Supporting NTT Faculty at the U of Illinois (Academe Blog 4/20/16)
- Scholars who Study Hinduism and India Face Hostile Climate (IHE 4/12/16)
- Cal State and Faculty Union Agree to 10.5% Salary Raise Over Three Years (LAT 4/8/16)
- Cal State, Faculty's Union Reach Accord Over Salary Dispute (LAT 4/8/16)
- Duke Tries to End Protest that has Occupied Administration Building for Days (IHE 4/7/16)
- Cuomo Faces Loud Backlash Over Push to Cut State’s CUNY Funding (NYT 3/24/16)
- CCSF Faculty Arrested in Contract Protest (Academe Blog 3/14/16)
- As a New Fiscal Year Approaches, Who will Fund CUNY's Senior Colleges? (IHE 3/11/16)
- Harvard Law School Scraps Official Crest in Slavery Row (BBC 3/4/16)
- Missouri Board Votes to Fire Melissa Click (IHE 2/26/16)
- Today’s Freshman Class Is the Most Likely to Protest in Half a Century (CHE 2/11/16)
- The Trouble at Yale (NYBooks 1/16)
- Are Today’s Student Activists Illiberal? (Student Activism 12/22/15)
- Missouri Lawmaker Wants To Revoke Scholarships If Athletes Protest (HuffPo 12/15/15)
- Locked Out of Chapman Hall; or, Downsizing UW-Milwaukee One Survey at a Time (Ragman's Circles 12/10/15)
- What Do Campus Protesters Really Want? (NYT 12/9/15)
- We, the people, remain filled with rage: Race, Yale, p.c. and a nation spinning apart (Salon 11/25/15)
- Sharp Divisions Emerge On Campuses as Some Criticize Activists' Tactics as Intimidation (LAT 11/20/15)
- The Demands (11/19/15)
- Aided By Social Media, College Students Find New Power in Campus Protests (LAT 11/18/15)
- Students Plan Further Protests Against Higher Education Reforms (Guardian 11/15/15)
- Petulant, Hyper-Sensitive, Censorious, Orwellian Activists, 1954 (Student Activism 11/13/15)
- The Missouri Tigers and the Hidden History of Black College Football Activists (Nation 11/12/15)
- #MillionStudentMarch
- Our Republic Will Withstand College Students Protesting (IHE 11/12/15)
- Ithaca College Students Demand School's President Step Down In Mizzou-Inspired Protest (Huff Po 11/11/15)
- Protesters Call NYU “Cutting Edge Of Everything That’s Wrong” In Higher Ed (Buzzfeed 9/1/15)
- Budget Cuts, Layoffs, and a $1.5 Billion Campus Remodeling—What’s Wrong With This Picture? (The Nation 6/8/15)
- UC President Napolitano Caught on video Calling Student Protest ‘Crap’ (SF Gate 3/18/15)
- Support the New University (Change.org 2/15)
- Oregon Grad Students Warned of Deportation (Daily Nous 12/6/14)
- The Further Criminalisation of Student Protest (Campaign for the Public University 12/4/14)
- A Map of American Student Activism 2014-15 (Student Activism 12/2/14)
- Teaching Fellows Strike UO (Register Guard 12/2/14)
- University of California to Raise Tuition Despite Protests (NYT 11/20/14)
- Syracuse University May Punish Student Protesters Camped Out In Building (Huff Po 11/19/14)
- The Plight of the Public Regional College (CHE 11/19/14)
- Regents Long Range Planning Committee Votes in Favor of Tuition Hikes (DailyBruin 11/19/14)
- Q&A: Why Protesters Are Standing Their Ground at Syracuse U (CHE 11/10/14)
- I'm Banned From Harvard. Here's Why I'm Going Back. (The Nation 10/24/14)
- National Adjunct Walkout Day Planned (IHE 10/6/14)
- Protests and Controversy over how U. of Michigan Responded to Athlete's Concussion (IHE 10/1/14)
- Berkeley Free Speech Movement at 50 and Today (Portside 10/1/14)
- Graying Activists Return to Berkeley to Mark '64 Free Speech Protests (LAT 9/27/14)
- Worth Watching: Sit-In at Colgate Admissions Office Happening Now (Student Activism 9/24/14)
- In Colorado, a Student Counterprotest to an Anti-Protest Curriculum (NYT 9/23/14)
- The Student Fight for All University Staff to be Paid a Living Wage (New Statesman 6/26/14)
- Defending Commencement Protest (IHE 5/27/14)
- The Neoliberal Assault on Academia (Aljazeera 5/25/14)
- Brown University Ph.D Students Protest Cutbacks in Funding (CHE 4/29/14)
- Portland State Faculty Strike Averted, Administration and Faculty Union Reach Tentative Agreement on New Contract (The Oregonian 4/6/14)
- More News of the Strike (Cloudminder 4/3/14)
- UCLA TAs Join the Strike (Daily Bruin 4/3/14)
- Twenty Arrested at UCSC During Teaching Assistant Strike (Senteniel 4/2/14)
- Can Protests at the University of Southern Maine Be the Flashpoint That Reverses the Mallification of American Higher Education? (Naked Capitalism 3/30/14)
- Exiled in Maine (IHE 3/24/14)
- Temple President to Review Prof's Firing (Philly 3/12/14)
- Students Petition Janet Napolitano to Drop Charges Against 2 UCI Student Activists (OC Weekly 3/11/14)
- Affirmative Action at California Colleges: A Debate Based on Fear (LAT 3/7/14)
- Students Protest Napolitano, Occupy Michigan and Strike With Faculty (Nation 2/26/14)
- Ultimatum on King Day (IHE 1/21/14)
- In Egypt, Clashes Between Students and Police Are Roiling Campuses (CHE 12/17/13)
- Too Risky for Boulder? (IHE 12/16/13)
- Teachers Seek to ‘Reclaim’ Education (FDL 12/14/13)
- A Right to the University (Critical Legal Thinking 12/11/13)
- 2 New York City Colleges Draft Rules That Restrict Protests (NYT 12/10/13)
- Reclaim the Promise of Public Education (12/9/13)
- Inside and Against the University (Libcom 12/7/13)
- Professors to Grad Students: Focus on Studies, Not Wages (The Nation 12/4/13)
- UCLA Workers Participate in Statewide Strike (Daily Bruin 11/21/13)
- UC Service Workers and Graduate Students Go on Strike (The Daily Cal 11/20/13)
- UC Union Workers to Hold Strike on Nov. 20 (Daily Bruin 11/8/13)
- Parents and Teachers Rally to Save North Carolina Schools (The Nation 11/4/13)
- UC Union Authorizes a Possible Strike at Campuses, Hospitals (LAT 11/1/13)
- Students, Faculty Gather in Opposition to Corporate Involvement at UC Berkeley (Daily Cal 10/28/13)
- The UC Davis Pepper-Spraying Cop Gets a $38,000 Settlement (The Atlantic Wire 10/23/13)
- CUNY Union Condemns Police Repression at Petraeus Protests, CUNY Responds (The Dissenter 9/21/13)
- Academics join CUNY David Petraeus protests as NYPD arrests six students (Guardian 9/20/13)
- Protests of David Petraeus's Lectures to Continue, Say CUNY Students (Guardian 9/13/13)
- Why is Sydney University on strike? Because students are not our 'clients' (Guardian 8/29/13)
- UC Student Association recognizes concerns about Napolitano’s appointment (DailyCal 8/14/13)
- Students Rally for Higher Ed in Sacramento (Daily Cal 3/4/13)
- Uprising at NYU (Village Voice 2/20/13)
- Judge Approves Settlement in Davis Pepper Spray Case (Davis Enterprise 1/10/13)
- Haunts: Indignant women and girls ignite the Chilean Winter (Women in and Beyond 8/27/11)
- Tasers in the Crosshairs (IHE 8/15/11)
- Parents are dropping out of the college cost fight (LAT 7/23/11)
- A rupture in the everyday (San Diego City Beat 5/23/11)
- From Tute Bianche to the Book Bloc – english transcript (Really Open University 3/1/11)
- A day (and night) in the Brafferton (William & Mary 4/22/11)
- CSUS students continue protest; officials lock administration building (SacBee 4/20/11)
- Multiple Administration Building Occupations Underway Now at CSU Campuses (Student Activism 4/13/11)
- Orange County DA Files Charges Against Irvine Protesters (Huffpo 2/4/11)
- Petition Against Criminalizing Protest at UCI (Change.org 2/2/11)
- Brighton Student Resistance Website (2010-2011)
- Whose Safety? Free Speech on Campus (Terada 12/10/10)
- Militant Creativity and the Student Movement (Amsler, HuffPo 12/10/10)
- Orange County DA files Charges Against UCI Protesters from Last February (Orange County DA 12/9/10)
- Even Books are Protesting in England (London Indy Med 12/9/10)
- Class and Campus Activism (Martin, American Prospect 12/6/10)
- Have We Been "Pychically Kettled"? (Guardian 12/4/10)
- Students Battle with Police in Greece (HuffPo 12/3/10)
- Students Protest Ethnic Studies Cuts at Texas (Statesman 12/2/10)
- UK Protests Continue and Spread (Campaign for Pub Univ 12/1/10)
- UK Occupations (Real Open University 12/1/10)
- Two Hundred Years of University "Reform" and How to Dream It (Reclamations, Issue 3 12/10)
- Higher Ed Protests Disrupt Italian Cities (HuffPo 11/30/10)
- UK National Union of Students Pres Denounces His Own "Spineless" Failure to Support Occupations (Guardian 11/28/10)
- UK High School Protesters "Kettled" by Cops (New Statesman 11/25/10)
- Students in Wales Join November 24th Protests (BBC 11/24/10)
- Large English Protests on November 24th (Guardian 11/24/10)
- Protests Over SUNY Albany Language Cuts (TimesUnion 10/19/10)
- 16 Protesters Arrested at Regents Meeting (LAT 11/17/10)
- National Union of Students Targests Lib Dem Leaders in response to Fee Hikes (Guardian 11/13/10)
- UK Students Plan for National Protest on Nov. 24 (Guardian 11/13/10)
- Students Occupy Building At Manchester to Demand Transparency (Guardian 11/11/10)
- Over 50,000 protest Fee Hikes in London (Guardian 11/10/10)
- Students Protest Fee Plans in England (Guardian 11/10/10)
- Teaching Materials for October 7th (10/7/10)
- National Day of Action for Education (Nation 10/4/10)
- Letter Writing Campaign for SUNY-Albany French Closure (SUNY 10/4/10)
- Open Letter for a Shadow University (10/4/10)
- Why is Berkeley So Quiet Over BP? (Hiltzik, LAT 7/30/10)
- UCSD Announces New FTE Designed to Promote Diversity and Inclusion (UCSD News 7/22/10)
- Student Victory in Puerto Rico (6/17/10)
- Continuing Hunger Strike at U of Puerto Rico (Democracy Now 5/17/10)
- Protests Over Closing of Middlesex Philosophy Dept (IHE 5/17/10)
- Middlesex U (UK) Suspends Profs and Students for Protesting Closure of Philosophy (Save MDX Philosophy 5/12/10)
- Berkeley Drops Charges Against Dozens of Students; Promises Reform of Student Code (NYT 5/5/10)
- Students and Faculty Force U of Illinois to End Contract with Outside Consultant (News-Gazette 5/5/10)
- Berkeley Faculty Petition Calling for End of Disciplinary Proceedings Against Student Protesters (Judith Butler 4/27/10)
- California Crackdown on Student Protesters (Student Activism 4/19/10)
- Administrators Charge Protestors for Damages (Student Activism 4/9/10)
- The Student Movements and the Right of Majority (Rei Terada 3/18/10)
- Racism and Privatization at UCSD (Counter Punch 3/12/10)
- Students Sing--Disrupt Washington Legislature (Michael Meranze 3/8/10)
- UCSD Black Student Union Statement on UCSD Agreement (Complex Systems 3/6/10)
- UCSB Protest Coverage (Daily Nexus 3/5/10)
- UC Santa Cruz Protest Coverage (Sentinel 3/5/10)
- UC Riverside Protest Coverage (iReport 3/5/10)
- National Protest Photos (CNN 3/5/10)
- March 4th Protests in South Africa (3/5/10)
- More March 4 Protest Coverage (Bay Area 3/5/10)
- "Democracy Now" on Protests--with Video (Democracy Now 3/5/10)
- A Day of Protests (CHE 3/4/10)
- HuffPo Protest Roundup (Huff Po 3/4/10)
- UC San Diego and Black Student Union Sign Agreement, Announce Common Goals (UCSD News 3/4/10)
- Video of San Diego Protests on March 4th (YouTube 3/4/10)
- CSUN Protests (Neon Tommy 3/4/10)
- UC Riverside Protests (CNNiReport 3/4/10)
- UC Davis Confrontations with Police (Fox40 3/4/10)
- Higher Ed Joins K-12 Protests in Orange County (OC Reg 3/4/10)
- Mass Protests in San Diego County (SDUT 3/4/10)
- Rallies Across California and Nation (LAT 3/4/10)
- US Day of Action Roundup (CNN 3/4/10)
- Garamendi in Support of Student Protests (FDL 3/4/10)
- California Students Protest Budget Cuts (NYT 3/4/10)
- Student Movement Born in California Spreads Nationwide (WaPo 3/4/10)
- U Washington March 4 Info and Demands (U of Washington 3/4/10)
- Map of March 4th Actions (Student Activism 3/3/10)
- UCB Resolution in Support of March 4th March (3/3/10)
- CSU Fullerton Protest to Reclaim the Humanities (makebelievecommittee 3/3/10)
- Meet the Regents Show UC Davis (3/3-19/10)
- Free Speech Protests at UCI (OC Register 3/2/10)
- Berkeley Students Protest Racist Acts at UCSD (BerkeleyDailyPlanet 3/1/10)
- UCI Faculty in Support of March 4th Events (UCI 3/1/10)
- String of Racist Incidents Protested at UCSD (Democracy Now 3/1/10)
- Critique of Student Violence (UCMEP 2/28/10)
- Planning For March 4th After Berkeley Riot (DailyCal 2/28/10)
- Peter Glazer Responds to Birgeneau on Vandalism (BudgetCrisis 2/27/10)
- More on UCSD Protests (LAT 2/27/10)
- March 4 Protests Receive Admin's Coy Embrace (IHE 2/26/10)
- "The Hypocrisy of the UC" (Occupy UCI 2/26/10)
- More on UCSD Protests (Sign on San Diego 2/26/10)
- UCSD and UCLA Sit-ins (Ocuppy CA 2/26/10)
- The Durant Riot in Berkeley (Occupy CA 2/26/10)
- Protesters and Police Clash in Berkeley (Daily Cal 2/26/10)
- Berkeley ASUC Resolution in Support of March 4th Events (2/24/10)
- Univ. Of Montreal Lecturers Go on Strike (CBC 2/24/10)
- 17 UCI Protesters Arrested (Huffpo 2/24/10)
- Open Letter in Response to UC Berkeley Regulations on Protests (2/24/10)
- UCI Sit-In Turns Into Lock-Down (Occupy CA 2/24/10)
- Fix Underlying UCSD Problems (Prof. Wayne Wang Stop Racism UCSD 2/23/10)
- "Values and Civility" (Rei Terada 2/22/10)
- UC Berkeley Regulations on Protests (2/19/10)
- UC Asian and Asian Americans "Petition in Support of Black Students at UCSD" (Petition Online 2010)
- How UCSD Feels about the Cuts (YouTube 12/1/09)
Lost Funding
6 hours ago