- As It Strays Further From Its Roots, a UC Education is a Dream Deferred (Daily Bruin 6/6/19)
- Elizabeth Warren v. InStride: Two Different Paths for Higher Education (IHE 4/25/19)
- The Real College Scandal (NYT 4/25/19)
- This Is How You Kill a Profession (CHE 3/27/19)
- WTF Is Going on at Wright State? (IHE 2/7/19)
- As Scholars Seek to Inform and Shape Policy, They Must Confront Efforts to Undermine Their Influence (IHE 12/6/18)
- Crisis at Jagdeep Bachher’s University of California Investment Office (Institutional Investor 9/6/18)
- Mea Culpa: There *is* a Crisis in the Humanities (Sapping Attention 7/27/18)
- The Sky Is Falling (Profession 5/21/18)
- ‘Higher Education’ Isn’t So Popular, Poll Finds, but Local Colleges Get Lots of Love (CHE 5/21/18)
- Protect Students, Not Predatory Colleges (NYT 5/18/18)
- Cisco and Microsoft — Their Part in My Downfall; or, the Lost Ethics of Higher Ed; or, Maybe, a Sob Story (LARB 5/10/18)
- We Don’t Need No Education? (Boston Review 5/9/18)
- Save The Catholic University of America (4/18)
- We Don’t Need No Education (NYT 4/23/18)
- The Corporate Plan to Groom U.S. Kids for Servitude by Wiping Out Public Schools (Naked Capitalism 4/9/18)
- The World’s Changing Fast. Here’s How Higher Ed Can Keep Up. (Daily Beast 3/31/18)
- The Tuition Limit and the Coming Crisis of Higher Education (The New Inquiry 3/26/18)
- Why Americans are Such Easy Targets for Trolls and Bots (Salon 3/3/18)
- Don’t Give Up on Universities (The Baffler 2/14/18)
- Historian's 'Quit Lit' Essay Rejects Notion That Leaving Higher Ed Equals Personal Failure (IHE 2/13/18)
- Secret Lives of Bay Area Part-Time Profs: Here's Why They Work at Safeway, Live Out of Cars (SFGate 2/5/18)
- When College Was a Public Good (CHE 12/27/17)
- The Big Picture: Trump's Attack on Knowledge (Public Books 11/29/17)
- Elitists, Crybabies and Junky Degrees (Wa Po 11/25/17)
- Bright and Gloomy Forecasts (Cloudminder 11/3/17)
- Exit the Edu-Factory – a Call for Manuscripts (The Homeless Adjunct 10/1/17)
- The Biggest Threat on Campus Has Nothing To Do With Free Speech (Salon 9/2/17)
- Somewhere Between a Jeremiad and a Eulogy (Modern Age 7/17)
- Liberals Can’t Ignore the Right’s Hatred for Academia (New Republic 7/13/17)
- The Impact of Anti-Intellectualism on the State of Higher Education (Academe Blog 7/12/17)
- Most Republicans Think Colleges Are Bad for the Country. Why? (CHE 7/10/17)
- How Conservative Media Outlets Turn Faculty Viewpoints Into National News (CHE 6/22/17)
- On Graduate Student Unionisation (Invisible Cities 5/5/17)
- The Audit of UC's Management Shows that the Real Threat to Higher Education is Inside the House (LAT 5/5/17)
- The Corporate Assault on Higher Education (CHE 4/30/17)
- Study Shows Widespread Food and Housing Insecurity for Students (IHE 3/15/17)
- American Universities Must Take a Stand (NYT 2/8/17)
- The Curse of Credentialism (Baseline Scenario 12/26/16)
- A Day in the Life of Virginia Foxx (CHE 12/22/16)
- Field of Dreams: Public Higher Education in the United States (LARB 12/13/16)
- PPIC Statewide Survey Californians and Higher Education (PPIC 12/16)
- A Humbling of Higher Ed (CHE 11/11/16)
- Priorities (UCLAFA 11/10/16)
- OCAAUP 2016 Annual Meeting: Resolution 1–Increased State Funding (Academe Blog 11/8/16)
- The Nation's Electoral Divisions Highlight Questions About the Role of Public Universities (IHE 11/8/16)
- After Years of Neglect, Public Higher Education is at a Tipping Point (WaPo 10/7/16)
- A Lockout at LIU (The Atlantic 9/7/16)
- Lockout Lessons (Academe Blog 9/4/16)
- Author Says 'The Great Mistake' Was Running Universities Like Businesses (Foreword Reviews 9/1/16)
- How Financialization Left Michigan Footing the Bill for Wall Street’s Bad Deals (Roosevelt Institute 7/7/16)
- Dreams Stall as CUNY, New York City’s Engine of Mobility, Sputters (NYT 5/28/16)
- The Elephant in the Seminar Room: Should the PhD Be Saved? (LARB 5/26/16)
- The Contingent Faculty Retirement Crisis (Sarah Kendzior 5/16/16)
- Starving the Beast: The Battle to Disrupt and Reform America’s Public Universities (Huff Po 3/25/16)
- Illinois Cuts off Funding for its Public Universities (Marketplace 3/18/16)
- Students Aren't Coddled. They're Defeated. (IHE 2/16/16)
- Why Do the Media Cry “Crisis” About Public Schools? Why Do They Ignore the Voices of Teachers? (Diane Ravitch 1/13/16)
- Who are the spongers now? (LARB 1/16)
- States and Public Higher Ed: Economic Challenges (IHE 12/9/15)
- What Is the Future for Public Universities Like the University of Kansas? (Atlantic 10/21/15)
- Soaring Student Loan Debt Poses Risk to Nation's Future Economic Growth (LAT 9/5/15)
- Student Loan Delinquencies Jump As Crisis Spreads (HuffPo 8/13/15)
- Pioneer of Ed-Tech Innovation Says He’s Frustrated by Disruptors’ Narrative (Jeffrey R. Young, CHE 8/6/15)
- University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Responds to Massive Cuts in State Support (IHE 7/29/15)
- College is not a commodity. Stop treating it like one. (Wa Po 6/9/15)
- Kids Today: A Response to Mark Bauerlein (IHE 5/10/15)
- Selling (Out) the Good Old Days (Mark Bauerlein 5/10/15)
- Education “Reform’s” Big Lie: The Real Reason the Right has Declared War on our Public Schools (Salon 5/9/15)
- Bobby Jindal, Budget Cuts, and the Uncertain Fate of Louisiana's Universities (Atlantic 5/7/15)
- Anxiety over Massive Proposed Cuts to Louisiana's Colleges Felt Across the State (IHE 4/27/15)
- LSU Prepares Financial Exigency Plan (IHE 4/23/15)
- Chicago's Chuy Garcia Has a Vision: Progressive Mayors Fighting for Public Education (Nation 4/3/15)
- Kansas Schools Will Close Early This Spring For Lack Of Funds (Huff Po 4/3/15)
- Why is So Much of the Discussion of Higher Ed driven by Elite Institutions? (Crooked Timber 3/26/15)
- Essay Challenging Kevin Carey's New Book on Higher Education (IHE 3/26/15)
- Higher Education Isn’t in Crisis (Wa Po 3/12/15)
- Learning My Lesson: Marina Warner on the Disfiguring of Higher Education (LRB 3/15)
- Arizona Budget Deal Would Eliminate all State Funds for 3 Large Community College Districts (IHE 3/6/15)
- Rising Price of Virginia Public Universities Disproportionately Hurts Low-Income Students (IHE 3/4/15)
- Shocking Decision at Sweet Briar (IHE 3/4/15)
- UW-Madison Chancellor Comes Under Fire for Comments about how she Matches Outside Faculty Offers (IHE 3/3/15)
- Survival at Stake (CHE 3/2/15)
- The Day the Purpose of College Changed (CHE 1/26/15)
- ASU Is the "New American University" - It's Terrifying (IHE 1/25/15)
- Essay Sees the Possible Collapse of Austerity Politics Around Higher Education (Christopher Newfield 1/12/15)
- The History of UC Tuition Since 1868 (Daily Cal 12/22/14)
- Your Waitress, Your Professor (NYT 12/18/14)
- Video: Public Colleges Face Major Threat From Some Trustees, Says AAU Chief (CHE 11/25/14)
- Enrollment Numbers Grew During Recession but Graduation Rates Slipped (IHE 11/18/14)
- How Bad Are the Colleges? (NYBooks 10/14)
- Essay Argues that Recent Statements by College Leaders About Civility Are a Threat to Academic Freedom (IHE 10/14/14)
- Defending Scholarship (Changing Universities 10/9/14)
- This Is What Happens When Republicans Try to Destroy Public Education (The Nation 10/8/14)
- The Plot Against Public Education (Politico 10/6/14)
- The Humanities Ph.D. is a Calling, Not Vocational Training (IHE 10/3/14)
- Is College Still Worth It? (Christopher Newfield, LARB 9/29/14)
- Today’s Intellectuals: Too Obedient? (THE 8/28/14)
- Michelle Rhee’s Real Legacy: Here’s What’s Most Shameful about her Reign (Salon 8/22/14)
- The University-Without-Content: or Why Para-Academia Needs You (Campaign for the Public University 8/6/14)
- The Hi-Tech Mess of Higher Education (NY Books 8/14)
- California’s Higher Education Systems Need More Cash, Not More Catchwords (SacBee 7/25/14)
- What ‘Ivory Tower’ Gets Wrong (CHE 7/22/14)
- Tenure Haters’ Big Delusion: Why Campbell Brown and Bo. are Wrong About Teaching (Salon 7/16/14)
- That Big Study About How the Student Debt Nightmare Is in Your Head? It's Garbage (The Awl 6/24/14)
- The Reality of Student Debt Is Different From the Clichés (NYT 6/24/14)
- Report Calls for Tougher Federal Standards for Four-Year Colleges (IHE 6/18/14)
- K-12 Tenure Declared Unconstitutional in California: Could Higher Ed be Next? (Changing Universities 6/11/14)
- What Was the Evidence in the Vergara Case? Who Wins? Who Loses? (Diane Ravitch 6/11/14)
- Passage of SB 850 proves state Master Plan in grave need of update (Daily Bruin 6/2/14)
- The Role of a Public Intellectual in a Time of Crisis (Academe Blog 4/29/14)
- Serious Reading Takes a Hit from Online Scanning and Skimming (WaPo 4/6/14)
- Subprime Higher Ed and Washington DC (Changing Universities 4/1/14)
- This Is What the GOP's War On Science Looks Like (io9 4/1/14)
- Welcome, Professor Bieber (LAT 3/24/14)
- Economy, Politics and the “Crisis in the Humanities" (4 Humanities 3/22/14)
- In Curricular Clashes, Completion Can Vie With Quality (CHE 3/19/14)
- Academic Activism: Israelis, Palestinians, and the Ethics of Boycott (LARB 3/16/14)
- College, the Great Unleveler (NYT 3/1/14)
- Customer Mentality (IHE 2/27/14)
- After Deep Cuts, Can Iowa Wesleyan Rebound? (IHE 2/24/14)
- A Charter For Action (Defend the Irish University 2/18/14)
- Casualisation of Labour in the University (Defend the Irish University 2/18/14)
- A Tale of Two Cities: Why the UIC Faculty Strike Matters (Chicago Sun 2/18/14)
- The Wal-Mart-ization of Higher Education: How Young Professors are Getting Screwed (Salon 2/16/14)
- Politician-Public Divide (IHE 2/10/14)
- Concerned with Growing Class Sizes, Teaching Assistant Union Files Complaint Against UC (SacBee 2/9/14)
- Managerialism, Democracy, and the New Political Economy of English Higher Education (Discover Society 2/3/14)
- Pixel Dust: Illusions of Innovation in Scholarly Publishing (Johanna Drucker, LARB 1/16/14)
- Students and faculty blindsided by for-profit school's closure (LAT 1/9/14)
- Teachers Seek to ‘Reclaim’ Education (FDL 12/14/13)
- California State Auditor Says Education Is at “High Risk” (AllGov 12/11/13)
- Private Distress (IHE 12/9/13)
- Reclaim the Promise of Public Education (12/9/13)
- Inside and Against the University (Libcom 12/7/13)
- Fiat Flush--It isn't just about design (Cloudminder 12/5/13)
- Report: Calif. Losing its Edge in Higher Education (Sac Bee 11/26/13)
- How Academia Resembles a Drug Gang (Alexandre Afonso 11/21/13)
- Young and Educated in Europe, but Desperate for Jobs (NYT 11/15/13)
- A Small College's Demise (IHE 11/14/13)
- Economics Lecturers Accused of Clinging to Pre-Crash Fallacies (The Guardian 11/10/13)
- Student Workers Union Report Claims Quality of UC Education in Decline (Daily Cal 11/6/13)
- Southern Oregon U. Takes Steps to Open Faculty Contract and Cut Programs (CHE 11/6/13)
- Colorado Is Asking Taxpayers for $1 Billion to Help Schools (NYT 11/3/13)
- The End of History? (IHE 10/29/13)
- "Mediocrity" V. "Cozy, Lucrative Monopoly": Rsp to NYTimes Critique of US Education (HASTAC 10/27/13)
- Dear Reformers: I Didn't Mean to Hurt Your Feelings (HuffPo 10/15/13)
- A Machiavellian Guide to Destroying Public Universities in 12 Easy Steps (CHE 10/2/13)
- Towards Mediocrity: Administrative Mismanagement and the Decline of UC Education (UC Student Worker's Union 9/13)
- How Much is a Degree Really Worth? (Guardian 8/20/13)
- Language Teaching Crisis as 40% of University Departments Face Closure (Guardian 8/17/13)
- Boomerang Babies: Record Numbers of Young Adults Live with Parents at Terrible Cost (AlterNet 8/5/13)
- College Enrollment Falls as Economy Recovers (NYT 7/25/13)
- Is Higher Ed the Next Target of Corporate ‘Reformers’? (InTheseTimes 7/18/13)
- Cengage Learning Files for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy (Bloomberg 7/2/13)
- Unequal Schooling in an Unequal Society (NYT 6/16/13)
- Run! The Future is Coming! Or, Maybe Stand Still and Help to Manifest It? (In The Middle 5/15/13)
- Un-Hired Ed: The Growing Adjunct Crisis (Infographic)
- University of Michigan: Student Debt and the For Profit University (Occupy UMich 4/1/12)
- UC fears talent loss to deeper pockets (LAT 6/29/11)
- College, too easy for its own good (LAT 6/2/11)
- Crisis of Confidence Threatens Colleges (CHE 5/15/11)
- CSU Long Beach President Speaks Out Against Budget Cuts (Daily49er 1/24/11)
- The 21st Century Retreat from Public Higher Education (WaPo 11/12/10)
- LAT Questions UCLA Business School Privatization (LAT 9/19/10)
- UCLA Business School May Privatize (IHE 9/7/10)
- Public Colleges, A Historic Strength of the Pacific West, Are Weakened (CHE 8/22/10)
- Charles Reed Calls Out State on CSU Funding (LAT 5/27/10)
- Sacrificing Educated Workforce Won't Help (UCSB Chancellor & Exec Dean, SF Gate 5/21/10)
- Avoiding the Coming Higher Ed Wars (Christopher Newfield, Academe May-June 2010)
- Edley Speaks: Bring on the Cyber-University (Center for Study of HE 4/20/10)
- California's University System: What Went Wrong? (Mercury News 4/18/10)
- Without Quality Public Education, There is no Future for Democracy (Wendy Brown, UCB News Center 3/4/10)
- UCSB Future of the University Conference (IHC 1/21/10)
- Birgeneau and Breslauer Sort of Support Parts of March 1st Events (Robert Birgeneau, George Breslauer 2/17/10)
- UCB Faculty Association Statement on March 4th Action (UCBFA 2/15/10)
- Education is a Public Good (UCSD Faculty Coalition 2/13/10)
- UCB Academic Senate Update on Budget (Christopher Kutz 2/12/10)
- Berkeley Seminar on the Future of UC's Finances (Scwhartz, et al 2/12/10)
- Teach-Ins and Protesters at CSUN (Tobar, LAT 2/9/10)
- Former UC Regent Provides Another Perspective on Blum and Yudof (University Probe 2/4/10)
- CSUN Professors Use Furlough Day for Protest (Daily News 2/3/10)
- UCR Academic Senate Calls for New Commitment to Equity, Transparency, Shared Governance and the Master Plan (UCR 1/29/10)
- UC Responds to the Legislative Analyst's Report (UC 1/26/10)
- Robin Lakoff: Saving the University (HuffPo 1/13/10)
- Profiles of Fee Protesters (Time Magazine Video)
- UCSD Faculty Letter On Non-Resident Student Enrollments (12/12/09)
- Lost Trust in UC Management (Bob Samuels, IHE 12/7/09)
- Cuts Devastating CSU (Lopez, LAT 12/6/09)
- State of Perpetual Helotry? (LAT 12/5/09)
- CSU: Restructuring it or Destroying It? (Lillian Taiz, CPR 12/2/09)
- Advice to Admins: Hear Mark Yudof, Say the Opposite (Roxie's World 12/1/09)
- Do Regental Financial Interests Affect Decisions? (Darwin Bondgrahm 11/27/09)
- UCSB Prof Letter to Senate Chair on Senate-Faculty Relations (Robert Williams 11/21/09)
- Why are we Destroying Public Education (Democracy Now 11/17/09)
- CSULA Professor Enrique Ochoa: The Unravelling of CSU (CPR 11/17/09)
- The Crisis of the Public University (YouTube 11/16/09)
- Yudof to request $913M dollar increase from state (UC 11/15/09)
- UC San Diego Town Hall on Budgeting and the Future (UPTE representative, Chandra Mukerji (the Michigan model), Jerry Doppelt (UCOP's failure to mobilize public), students, Roddey Reid (on the Cal Tech or MIT model), and Akos Ron-Tas on the Master Plan (11/12/09)
- Where Does UC Tuition Go? (CUCFA 11/10/09)
- UCSB Student Coalition Demands to UCSB Chancellor (UCSB Coalition 11/10/09)
- CSU Chair of Board of Trustees: Calif is Destroying the System that Made it Great (LAT 11/4/09)
- As Berkeley Increases Out-of-State Students, Diversity May Suffer (CHE 11/4/09)
- Day of the Dead Protest Pictures (Matthew Taylor 11/2/09)
- UC Prof On Problems with No Confidence Votes (Christopher Newfield 11/1/09)
- Santa Cruz Faculty Organizing Group 10-Point Plan to Save Public Character of UC (Christopher Newfield 11/09)
- Santa Cruz Divisional Senate Passes Resolution on Fiscal Transparency (Norma Klahn 10/30/09)
- UC San Diego Divisional Senate Opposes Unprecedented Fee Hikes (10/30/09)
- Berkeley Grad Annie McClanahan Calls on Regents to Be Accountable (Annie McClanahan 10/30/09)
- Berkeley FA Head Chris Rosen asks Regents for Audit (Christine Rosen 10/30/09)
- UCSB Prof Sharon Farmer: Can the UC Be Saved? (SB Indepdendent 10/29/09)
- Analyzing the Regents: The Case of Richard Blum (Bob Samuels, Changing Universities 10/28/09)
- UCB EVC Description of UC Advocacy Campaign (George Breslauer 10/27/09)
- UC Berkeley Profs Call for end to sports subsidies (SF Gate 10/27/09)
- They Pledged Your Tuition 3 (CUCFA 10/26/09)
- Is California Finished? (John Judis, TNR 10/26/09)
- TEACH-IN: Defending The Public University: UCLA Videos (37)***
- Pres Yudof Announces Project You Can (UCOP 10/23/09)
- David Kirp: Inequality and Higher Education (The American Prospect 10/22/09)
- UCOF: UCSB Academic Senate Statement to Commission (UCSB Academic Senate 10/22/09)
- Lakoff-Srednicki: 3 Main Issues for UC Now (Mark Srednicki 10/18/09)
- Berkeley Grad Hillary Violet Lehr on Need for UC to reform itself (Daily Planet 10/15/09)
- Senate Chairs Response to Yudof's NYT Interview (NYT 10/15/09)
- CUCFA Pres Bob Meister: They Pledged Your Tuition (UCSB Video 10/14/09)
- TEACH-IN UCSD (Video 10/14/09)
- UCSB Teach In: Nelson Lichtenstein on Clark Kerr (10/14/09)
- Protests Restore UC Berkeley Library Hours (Tom Leonard 10/14/09)
- A Plea From the Undead (Occupy CA 10/11/09)
- CUCFA: Meister on Fees Subsidizing Bond Payments (CUCFA 10/11/09)
- Prof William Warner Statement on Censure to UCSB Faculty Legislature (10/8/09)
- Mixed Reviews of UCB Contract with Bain Consulting (Berkeley Daily Planet 10/8/09)
- Cuts and Cutbacks at California Community Colleges (IHE 10/5/09)
- Judith Butler on UC Protests (Guardian 10/4/09)
- Bob Herbert on Disinvestment in UC by State (NYT 10/3/09)
- Chris Newfield on Getting UC Out of the Ditch (CHE 9/29/09)
- UC's Wall Street Management Style (LAT 9/28/09)
- UC Sept 24 Protest Coverage Roundup (9/28/09)
- Communique from an Absent Future (Revolution by the Book 9/28/09)
- On Student Radicalism (LAT 9/27/09)
- Berkeley Chancellor and Vice-Chancellor on Need for New Federal Funding (WaPo 9/27/09)
- Riverside UC-AFT Statement on 9/24 Events (Paul Beehler 9/25/09)
- UCB's Tim Clark on a Real Alternative (Timothy Clark 9/24/09)
- Professor Catherine Liu speaks at Irvine (Youtube 9/24/09)
- Yudof in New York Times--Future of Public Education and Burdens of Job (NYT 9/24/09)
- UCI Law Student Petition in Support of 9/24 Protests (9/24/09)
- Effects of the Crisis on the Early Childhood Education Program Community (Susette Min, Melinda Pilling, Gilad Arnold 9/23/09)
- Video of UC BERKELEY Teach-In (Youtube 9/23/09)
- USC Faculty Letter Supporting Sept 24 Day of Action (9/22/09)
- UCB Students on Why Walkout (Daily Cal 9/18/09)
- UCSC & UCB Profs on Problem with Privatization (Daily Cal 9/18/09)
- Bob Samuels on UCOP's Fiscal Strategies (Changing Universities 9/14/09)
- Does HIgher Education Have a Future in California? (Calitics 9/13/09)
- Legislature Dooms the Future (CSU Fresno Collegian 9/11/09)
- UC Merced's Struggles (IHE 9/10/09)
- Mike Davis: The Mine has caved in (Mike Davis 9/8/09)
- UC-AFT President Comments on Senate-UCOP Pro-Yudof Letter (9/2/09)
- Foreign Students Hurt by Cancelled Courses at CSU (CHE 9/1/09)
- UCB Prof Catherine Cole on UC Cuts to Core Values (Cathering Cole 8/31/09)
- Yudof and the Divided University (Bob Samuels 8/31/09)
- Why Fight for Higher Ed? Many Responses from UC Berkeley (Timothy Clark 8/30/09)
- Good Lollipop Line in this Cuts Story about UC Berkeley (SFGate 8/27/09)
- SF State: No Courses For You! (SFGate 8/26/09)
- Budget Cuts Endanger UC China Watchers (New Yorker 8/25/09)
- A Rejection of History and Common Sense (HuffPo 8/25/09)
- Budget Cuts Endanger UC China Watcher (New Yorker 8/25/09)
- Decline of Public Colleges in Western States (CHE 8/24/09)
- Decline of Public Colleges in Western States (CHE 8/24/09)
- Bob Samuels on Yudof and the (Mis)measure of Worth (Changing Universities 8/24/09)
- UCI Profs: Less Funding Can't Masquerade as More (OC Register 8/22/09)
- Toby Miller: Furlough Time (Campus Review 8/17/09)
- Bob Samuels: How Do You Solve a Problem Like the UC? (Bob Samuels 8/17/09)
- Wasserstrom on the "Three Tier System" (8/17/09)
- UCLA Grads on Art Library Closure (8/15/09)
- UCLA libraries to be closed? (LATimes 8/15/09)
- Marc Bousquet Interview with Bob Samuels (Chronicle 8/15/09)
- Devastation of Public Higher Ed in Calif (Marin Ind Journal 8/12/09)
- Regents Gould and Varner Defend UC Exec Comp (SFGate 8/12/09)
- Regents Gould and Varner Defend UC Exec Comp (SFGate 8/12/09)
- UC Berkeley Prof on how UC cuts hurt state (Sac Bee 8/12/09)
- SFC Editorial Opposing UC Exec Comp (SFGate 8/12/09)
- UCSC FA Member Chris Connerly on Current Strategy (Christopher Connery 8/11/09)
- UC Faces Massive Budget Cuts - Version 1993 (8/10/09)
- UCLA's Bob Samuels Against Pres Yudof's claims of insufficient funds (Changing Universities 8/9/09)
- Art Programs Getting Whacked (UCLA Example) (NYT 8/9/09)
- Caifornia Higher Education in Decline (LA Times 8/9/09)
- UCSB Prof Robert Williams on Impact of Cuts on UC (SB News-Press 8/6/09)
- California Jeapordizes its Universities (Economist 8/6/09)
- Cuts Put California's Seed Corn in Peril (Economist 8/6/09)
- Option 4: Follow the Money (Remaking 8/3/09)
- CSULB Profs: CSU can balance budget without cuts (Daily 49er 7/30/09)
- UCI Prof Jeffrey Wasserstrom on Role of Humanities & UC Strength as a System (CHE 7/29/09)
- Irvine Division of Senate on UC Commission (Jutta Heckhausen 7/28/09)
- Former UCSD Fundraiser on Racialized Elitism of UCSD Faculty Letter (SD U-T 7/24/09)
- Prof Aranye Fradenburg on the Cuts (KIST 7/22/09)
- CSULA Economics Dean on Calif Budget Gimmicks (NPR 7/22/09)
- Ouch! Cuts Hurt! (Nature 7/22/09)
- California Higher Education in Decline (Atlantic 7/22/09)
- Chris Newfield and Vanessa Rojas (CSU) on Effects of Higher Ed Cuts (KPFK 7/21/09)
- Lower Your Horizons and Suffer (Calitics 7/20/09)
- Time Magazine on the Value of Community Colleges (Time 7/20/09)
- UCSD Prof Jorge Mariscal on UC Privatization (La Prensa 7/17/09)
- What to Do Now, Post Regents Meeting (George Lakoff 7/17/09)
- UCB Prof Gregory Levine: UC Cuts & Death of a Community (Gregory Levine 7/17/09)
- CSU Prof: Is George Orwell's Big Brother Reborn? (Sharyn Blumenthal 7/17/09)
- UCSD Prof Roddey Reid on What UC Does, and why we are less able to do it (Roddey Reid 7/15/09)
- CSU Professor Advice to Faculty (7/14/09)
- UCLA Professor Proposes More Progressive Pay Cuts (7/14/09)
- Prof. Catherine Liu Letter to UC Regents (Catherine Liu 7/13/09)
- UCSB Economist: The Furlough Tax - A Defective Plan (Henning Bohn 7/12/09)
- Defend the University: UCSB Statement (7/11/09)
- UCSB Town Hall: Coverage by SB Independent (SB Independent 7/11/09)
- President Yudof Announcing Furloughs (video) (UC Budget 7/10/10)
- Budget Comment From Pres Yudof, Regents Blum, Gould, Lansing (UCD Dateline 7/10/09)
- UC Berkeley Student Worker Coalition Statement (Newsletter 7/9/09)
- Merced Sun Times Responds to UCSD "Close Merced" Letter (Merced Sun-Star 7/9/09)
- UCLA Sociology Letter Advocating Targeted Cuts, Tiering of UC System (7/9/09)
- UC Crisis: Academic Senate's Combined Comments on UCOP Furlough Proposals (UC Senate 7/8/09)
- SFC Coverage of Scientists Warning Gov Schwarzenegger (SF Gate 7/8/09)
- UCSB "Save UC" Letter (7/3/09)
- UCSB Film and Media Studies Letter on Cuts (7/3/09)
- California Budget Project on Cuts Undermining Basic Skills (SFGate 7/1/09)
- UCSC Faculty Association Grounds for Opposing Cuts & Furloughs (7/1/09)
- Scientists Warn Gov Schwarzenegger (6/30/09)
- UCLA Chancellor Letter (6/30/09)
- UCSD Senate Letter Opposing Furloughs (UC Senate 6/30/09)
- UCSD Senate Resolution for SD Autonomy from UCOP (UC Senate 6/30/09)
- UC Berkeley Faculty Oppose Current UCOP Cut Proposals (6/29/09)
- UCLA Town Hall on the Budget (video) (UCLA Newsroom 6/24/09)
- UCSD Faculty Statement on Budget Crisis (6/15/09)
- Mark Yudof on New Federal Role for Higher Education (APLU 2009)
- Communique from an Absent Future (Printable 2009)
- Newfield: Public Universities at Risk: 7 Damaging Myths (CHE 10/31/08)
- UCB's Birgeneau Announces "Operational Excellence"
Lost Funding
5 hours ago