- Little Progress in Diversifying Faculty Ranks, Study Finds, Particularly at Research Universities (IHE 7/2/19)
- White Nationalist Propaganda on the Rise on College Campuses (IHE 6/27/19)
- Rural Areas Lag in Degree Attainment While Urban Areas Feature Big Racial Gaps (IHE 6/27/19)
- California’s State Universities Are a Path to Mobility and Tuition Needs to Be Free (LAT 5/30/19)
- Historian at U Minnesota 'Celebrates' Tenure With Screed Against Governing Board's Recent Actions in Renaming Debate (IHE 5/15/19)
- Katharine Gerbner (Twitter 5/9/19)
- Johns Hopkins Students Escalate Sit-in Over Proposed Campus Police Force (IHE 5/8/19)
- Cambridge University to Study How It Profited From Colonial Slavery (The Guardian 4/29/19)
- Report Finds Out-of-State Student Recruitment Racially, Socioeconomically Biased (Daily Bruin 4/22/19)
- Catholic Hospital Chain Dignity Health Defends its UC Deal — With a Lie (LAT 4/19/19)
- UC’s Deal With Catholic Hospitals Threatens the Health of Women and LGBTQ Patients (LAT 4/12/19)
- Privilege, Guilt, Responsibility, and Contingent Labor (IHE 4/11/19)
- Proposal for University ‘Intellectual Freedom’ Survey Sparks Debate (Flapol 3/13/19)
- AEA Grad Students' Letter (UCLAFA 1/2/19)
- Historic Latino Student Wave Reshapes Many Colleges. But Access Is Uneven. (WaPo 12/18/18)
- Gender Studies Scholars Say the Field Is Coming Under Attack in Many Countries Around the Globe (IHE 12/5/18)
- Anti-Semitic Incidents Surge on College Campuses After Pittsburgh Synagogue Shooting (IHE 12/5/18)
- Hungary’s Attack on Gender Studies (Public Seminar 11/29/18)
- Can Students Save George Soros's School? (NYT 11/29/18)
- The Central European University under Siege (Academe Blog 11/28/18)
- Rutgers Reverses Itself on Livingston’s Facebook Posts (Academe Blog 11/16/18)
- Hate Crimes on Campuses Are Rising, New FBI Data Show (CHE 11/14/18)
- The Golden State’s Scientific White Supremacist (Boom California 11/5/18)
- Right-Wing Groups Are Recruiting Students to Target Teachers (Reveal 10/30/18)
- UVA Bans 10 White Nationalists In Light Of Charlottesville Violence (Talking Points Memo 10/26/18)
- New Report Grades States, Public Universities on Black Student Enrollment, Representation (IHE 9/25/18)
- Administrators, Students and Activists Take Stock Three Years After 2015 Missouri Protests (IHE 9/12/18)
- Black Colleges Have to Pay More for Loans Than Other Schools (The Atlantic 8/22/18)
- Protesters tear down Confederate statue at UNC Chapel Hill (IHE 8/21/18)
- How Elite Schools Stay So White (NYT 7/24/18)
- Trump Administration Will Rescind Obama-Era Guidelines on Race-Conscious Admissions (CHE 7/3/18)
- University of Chicago’s Diversity Problem (NYT 6/29/18)
- The Minority-Serving-College Mobility Bump (IHE 6/13/18)
- Student Representatives Claim Board of Regents Misrepresents College Population (Daily Bruin 5/30/18)
- You Can Only Protect Campus Speech if You Acknowledge Racism (WaPo 5/25/18)
- Civil Rights Groups Protest Proposed Restrictions on Middle East Studies Funding (Palestine Legal 5/18/18)
- Report Finds Parent PLUS Loans Worsen Outcomes for Poorest Families, Urges Policy Reforms (IHE 5/15/18)
- Duke President Apologizes for Firing of Baristas (IHE 5/12/18)
- Black Yale Graduate Student Lolade Siyonbola Took a Nap in a Dorm Common Room. A White Student Called Police. (Wa Po 5/11/18)
- Yale Police Called on Black Student Taking a Nap (IHE 5/10/18)
- "A Nation at Risk" and the Re-Segregation of Schools (IHE 5/4/18)
- America's Declining Investment in Higher Education (The Atlantic 5/3/18)
- With a Nod to '68, Columbia Grad Students Strike (Jewish Currents 4/25/18)
- After Blackface Incident, Minority Students at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo Say They Don't Feel Welcome (LAT 4/25/18)
- Colleges Recruit at Richer, Whiter High Schools (NYT 4/13/18)
- UC as revolving door on Title IX issues at Mich State U? More. (Cloudminder 4/9/18)
- What It’s Like to Be a Woman in the Academy (CHE 3/18)
- Alabama Student Group Invites White Nationalist To Give Speech On Diversity (TPM 3/30/18)
- UF Pays County $67K for Richard Spencer Event (Gainesville Sun 3/28/18)
- The Racial Implications of California's Proposed Online University (IHE 3/20/18)
- The Racial Dimension of Student Debt (Down With Tyranny 3/12/18)
- Students Value Diversity, Inclusion More Than Free Expression, Study Says (IHE 3/12/18)
- The Provocateur's Toolbox (The Faculty Lounge 3/11/18)
- After Fights and Arrests, Richard Spencer Speaks to Tiny Crowd at Michigan State (HuffPo 3/5/18)
- Controversial Cardinal Conversations Speaker Murray Sparks Peaceful Anti-Racist Rally (Stanford Daily 2/23/18)
- Report Documents Surge in Campus Propaganda by White Supremacists (IHE 2/1/18)
- How Texas Colleges Have Responded to the Hate Groups Behind All Those Racist Flyers (Texas Observer 1/29/18)
- Facing the Reality of the Trump Regime (AAUP 1/17/18)
- Colleges Brace for Tumult in 2018 as White Supremacists Demand a Stage (NYT 1/17/18)
- Hate Groups Make Unprecedented Push to Recruit on College Campuses (Wa Po 1/12/18)
- These Schools Get Millions Of Tax Dollars To Discriminate Against LGBTQ Students (HuffPo 12/15/17)
- White Supremacists Pose at Southern Methodist's Campus (IHE 12/5/17)
- Administering Evil (The Baffler 11/29/17)
- In Trump country, a University Confronts its Skeptics (Politico 11/9/17)
- New Federal Data Show a Student Loan Crisis for African American Borrowers (Center for American Progress 10/16/17)
- Conservatives Are The Real Campus Thought Police Squashing Academic Freedom (Wa Po 10/10/17)
- What College Is About: Reflections On The American University Bias Incident (Academe Blog 10/2/17)
- UK University Censors Title of Holocaust Survivor's Speech Criticising Israel (Guardian 9/29/17)
- After White Supremacists Marched Through Campus, UVA Grapples With Change (Huff Po 9/26/17)
- Racist Incidents at Colleges Abound as Academic Year Begins (IHE 9/22/17)
- Free Speech Year (Clover) (BLARB 9/21/17)
- The Resegregation of Jefferson County (NYT 9/6/17)
- Richard Spencer’s Group Sues Michigan State U (IHE 9/5/17)
- Calhoun Who? Yale Drops Name of Slavery Advocate for Computer Pioneer (NYT 9/3/17)
- Faculty Members Organize to Fight ‘Fascist’ Interlopers on Campuses (CHE 8/31/17)
- Even With Affirmative Action, Blacks and Hispanics Are More Underrepresented at Top Colleges Than 35 Years Ago (NYT 8/24/17)
- U of Florida Rejects Request for White Supremacist to Speak (IHE 8/16/17)
- The ‘Free Speech’ Hypocrisy of Right-Wing Media (NYT 8/14/17)
- White Nationalist Rally at Texas A&M University Has Been Canceled (Texas Tribune 8/14/17)
- White Supremacy is Turning up on Campus in Speeches and Leaflets (IHE 8/14/17)
- What U.Va. Students Saw in Charlottesville (NYT 8/13/17)
- “On Many Sides?” Not in Academia! (Academe Blog 8/13/17)
- Another Side Of The Evergreen State College Story (Huff Po 8/11/17)
- Outside of Elite Colleges, Affirmative Action Is Already Disappearing (Slate 8/3/17)
- Wait, Will Anyone Investigate Legacy Admissions? (CHE 8/3/17)
- Justice Department Will Seek to Sue Colleges Over Affirmative Action (IHE 8/2/17)
- Who’s Left to Defend Tommy Curry? (CHE 7/26/17)
- Gender Discrimination Controversy Grows at Fabled Salk Institute (LAT 7/21/17)
- Sikh Scholar Harassed Over Photo of Another Man in Turban (IHE 7/21/17)
- BYU-Idaho Fires Adjunct for Pro-LGBT Post (IHE 7/19/17)
- Women’s College vs. Women Workers (Jacobin 7/13/17)
- Liberals Can’t Ignore the Right’s Hatred for Academia (New Republic 7/13/17)
- Long After Protests, Students Shun the University of Missouri (NYT 7/9/17)
- Trinity AAUP Statement on the Decision to Place Professor Johnny Williams on Leave (Academe Blog 6/27/17)
- How the Right Stifles Speech With Threats and Violence (New Republic 6/27/17)
- Trinity College in Connecticut Puts Johnny Eric Williams on Leave Over Controversial Comments About Race (IHE 6/27/17)
- Professors Are Often Political Lightning Rods But Now Are Facing New Threats Over Their Views, Particularly on Race (IHE 6/26/17)
- Why Institutions Should Shield Academics Who Are Being Attacked by Conservative Groups (IHE 6/26/17)
- Update on Trinity College Harassment Case (Academe Blog 6/23/17)
- How Conservative Media Outlets Turn Faculty Viewpoints Into National News (CHE 6/22/17)
- We Stand in Solidarity With Professor Johnny Williams of Trinity College (Change.org 6/21/17)
- Campus Closes After Professor Receives Threats (Academe Blog 6/21/17)
- Students Face Punishment for Blocking Talk (IHE 6/21/17)
- Going on Fox News Cost Me My Job, Professor Claims (NJ.com 6/20/17)
- Classicist Finds Herself the Target of Online Threats After Article on Ancient Statues (IHE 6/19/17)
- A Campus Argument Goes Viral. Now the College Is Under Siege. (NYT 6/16/17)
- Threats to Campus Speech Don’t Alarm Media When They Come From the Right (Fair 6/15/17)
- Southern Methodist Student Punished After Posting Response to Racist Fliers (IHE 6/13/17)
- Princeton Professor Who Criticized Trump Cancels Events, Saying She's Received Death Threats (IHE 6/1/17)
- Outsourced UCSF Workers Sue State Regents (Mercury News 5/30/17)
- On Campus Racism and the Murder of Richard Collins III (Daniel Greene 5/22/17)
- The Conservative Force Behind Speeches Roiling College Campuses (NYT 5/20/17)
- Racial Tensions Inflame UCLA Student Body Election, Driving Calls for More Representation (LAT 5/8/17)
- How Legislative Efforts to Define Antisemitism Threaten Academic Freedom (Academe Blog 5/5/17)
- Report Documents White Supremacist Activity on Campuses (IHE 3/7/17)
- Legislative Panel Seeks to Open ‘Intellectual Diversity’ Office at U. of Tennessee (CHE 3/2/17)
- Republican Lawmakers Introduce Bills to Curb Protesting in At Least 18 States (Wa Po 2/24/17)
- Court Upholds UC Financial Aid to Undocumented Students (UCLAFA 2/23/17)
- General Assembly Sends UNC Board Reduction Bill to Cooper (The Charlotte Observer 2/20/17)
- Senator Mark Chelgren Aims To Purge Democrats From Iowa Universities (Iowa Starting Line 2/20/17)
- Meritocratic Myths (Jacobin 2/18/17)
- Bringing Unions to the Fight (Jacobin 2/17/17)
- Texas Bill Could Force Campus Police to Play Role in Immigration Matters (IHE 2/17/17)
- The Resistance Files: When Milo Comes to Campus (Historista 2/14/17)
- Universities Cite 'Damaging Effects' of Trump Order (IHE 2/14/17)
- Yale Drops ‘White Supremacist’ Name From College, Honors Female Scientist Instead (Huff Po 2/11/17)
- Campus Politics in the Age of Trump (NYT 2/10/17)
- Do Recent Student Demonstrations Signal a New Trend in Activism? (IHE 2/7/17)
- Being Harassed in the Wake of Milo (Academe Blog 2/6/17)
- Request for Further IU Actions on Trump Executive Orders (Petition 1/30/17)
- Shock, Despair, and Outrage: Academics Condemn Trump’s Immigration Crackdown (CHE 1/29/17)
- Shooting at U of Washington as Tensions Grow Over Milo Yiannopoulos Speeches (IHE 1/23/17)
- Obama Official: DACA Students Will Soon Be Deported Under Trump (Sac Bee 1/21/17)
- Arizona Lawmakers' Failed Ban on 'Divisive' College Courses Highlights New Criticism of White Studies (IHE 1/18/17)
- Equity, Interrupted: How California is Cheating Its Future (Academe Blog 1/12/17)
- A Turning Point in the Campus Culture Wars? For Some, Trump Raises Hopes (CHE 1/4/17)
- At the University of Oregon, No More Free Speech For Professors On Subjects Such As Race, Religion, Sexual Orientation (Wa Po 12/26/16)
- Drexel Must Defend Academic Freedom (Academe Blog 12/26/16)
- The Myth of the Liberal “Echo Chamber” on Campus (New Republic 12/22/16)
- GOP, UW At Odds Over 'Whiteness' Course (Journal Sentinel 12/21/16)
- The Defense of Liberty Can't Do Without Identity Politics (Niskanen Center 12/13/16)
- Here’s a Rundown of the Latest Campus-Climate Incidents Since Trump’s Election (CHE 12/13/16)
- #SanctuaryCampus! (Academe Blog 12/13/16)
- The New Enemies List (Majority Rule 12/12/16)
- Growing Gap Between Flagship State Universities & Public Colleges (Academe Blog 12/9/16)
- The Truth About Young Immigrants and DACA (NYT 11/30/16)
- Sanctuary Campuses Won't Provide Real Sanctuary for Immigrant Students (IHE 11/29/16)
- White Power Leader's New Target: Colleges (IHE 11/28/16)
- Defense of Undocumented and other Vulnerable Categories of Students (CUCFA 11/23/16)
- AAUP Condemns Hate Crimes, Endorses Campus Sanctuary Movement (IHE 11/23/16)
- The Atmosphere on Campus in the Wake of the Elections (AAUP 11/22/16)
- College Presidents Call for Continuation of Obama Administration Program Protecting Undocumented Students (IHE 11/21/16)
- Oberlin Fires Joy Karega Following Investigation Into Her Anti-Semitic Statements on Social Media (IHE 11/16/16)
- Letter to NYU Students (Faculty of Color Caucus and other members of the Faculty at Large, New York University 11/14/16)
- At Meeting of State University Leaders, Varying Opinions on Free Speech in Contentious Times (IHE 11/14/16)
- Undocumented Students Hope for University's Protection Under Trump (Guardian 11/13/16)
- With Trump’s Rise, Undocumented Students Fear for Their Futures (CHE 11/11/16)
- A Humbling of Higher Ed (CHE 11/11/16)
- Walls or Bridges (Cloudminder 11/10/16)
- Trump and GOP Likely to Try to Scale Back Title IX Enforcement on Sexual Assault (IHE 11/10/16)
- Higher Education After the 2016 Election (AAUP 11/8/16)
- Ugly Blacklist Posters Spur Resistance (Academe Blog 11/2/16)
- Academia, Love Me Back (Tiffany Martinez 10/27/16)
- Brookings Study Finds Growing Disparities in Student Loan Debt Between Black and White Graduates (IHE 10/21/16)
- Female Astronomers Speak Out About Harassment in STEM (CNN 9/30/16)
- Campuses see Flurry of Racist Incidents and Protests Against Racism (IHE 9/26/16)
- Eligible But Got Nothing: Hundreds of Thousands of People with Disabilities Blocked from College Aid (Hechinger Report 9/22/16)
- Jury Finds Saint Louis U Denied Tenure to Female Professor Based on Her Gender (IHE 9/20/16)
- Academia on the Run? (Books & Ideas 9/19/16)
- Author Says 'The Great Mistake' Was Running Universities Like Businesses (Foreword Reviews 9/1/16)
- Georgetown University Plans Steps to Atone for Slave Past (NYT 9/1/16)
- Study Finds Gains in Faculty Diversity, But Not on the Tenure Track (IHE 8/22/16)
- Yale Will Reconsider Keeping John Calhoun's Name on Residential College (IHE 8/2/16)
- Federal Appeals Court Revives Title IX Suit by Male Student Challenging Sex Assault Finding (IHE 8/1/16)
- The Complicated Process of Adding Diversity to the College Syllabus (Atlantic 7/29/16)
- Hamilton College's New Department-Specific Diversity Requirement Sparks Debate (IHE 7/26/16)
- Should an HBCU Founded by Black Civil War Veterans Shutter its History Department, Against the Recommendation of a Faculty Committee? (IHE 7/20/16)
- In a Time of Tension, Universities Craft New Free-Speech Policies (CHE 7/12/16)
- HBCUs Cut From North Carolina $500 Tuition Bill (IHE 6/6/16)
- Cal State Nearly Doubles Number of Presidencies Held by Women (IHE 6/3/16)
- Seeking Diversity at Yale (Academe Blog 5/25/16)
- Proposed HBCU Tuition Cuts Draw Criticism in North Carolina (IHE 5/18/16)
- UNC Pres. Spellings’ Letter to U.S. Justice Dept. (Academe Blog 5/16/16)
- U of Wisconsin Student Pulled From Class, Arrested for Anti-Racist Graffiti (IHE 4/18/16)
- UC Academic Senate Concerns on Proposed Principles of Intolerance (UC Academic Senate 3/21/16)
- U of Kansas Professor Cleared to Teach After Controversy Over Discussion of Race (IHE 3/21/16)
- Regents Should Decline the Working Group on Principles Against Intolerance Report (CUCFA 3/18/16)
- Trying to Make a Case for Age Discrimination (NYT 3/18/16)
- U of California Considers Revised Intolerance Policy (IHE 3/16/16)
- UC's Intolerance Policy goes Dangerously Astray on Anti-Semitism (LAT 3/16/16)
- Black Study, Black Struggle (Boston Review 3/7/16)
- Oberlin Releases Statements that Seemingly Contradict Earlier Statements Supporting a Controversial Professor (IHE 3/7/16)
- Harvard Law School Scraps Official Crest in Slavery Row (BBC 3/4/16)
- Faculty Votes No Confidence in Board Chair of N.Y.'s Mount Saint Mary College (IHE 2/24/16)
- Cal State Los Angeles Cancels Conservative Speaker's Appearance (IHE 2/24/16)
- Jury: No Hate Crime Convictions in San Jose State Bullying Trial (Mercury News 2/22/16)
- Minority Students Occupy Lounge at Harvard Law (IHE 2/22/16)
- Free Speech is Fine, But the College President Knows Best (Academe Blog 2/19/16)
- Troubles at Yale: An Exchange (NYRB 2/16)
- University of Missouri Struggles to Bridge Its Racial Divide (NYT 2/3/16)
- Oxford Activists Issue New Demands after University Announces it Won't Remove Statue of Rhodes (IHE 2/2/16)
- In Defense of Melissa Click (Academe Blog 1/31/16)
- Government to Reveal Colleges With Title IX Waivers (NYT 1/21/16)
- Obama Comments to Southern U Student Set Off Debate on President and Black Colleges (IHE 1/18/16)
- How So-Called Colorblind Admissions Reviews Create Barriers for People of Color (IHE 1/18/16)
- College Degree Gap Grows Wider Between Whites, Blacks and Latinos (Hechinger Report 1/7/16)
- As Justices Weigh Affirmative Action, Michigan Offers an Alternative (NYT 1/4/16)
- On David Cole’s “The Trouble at Yale” (Academe Blog 1/4/16)
- The Trouble at Yale (NYBooks 1/16)
- The Supreme Court’s Diversity Dilemma (NYT 12/24/15)
- Black Students Are Being Shut Out Of Top Public Colleges (Huff Po 12/18/15)
- Missouri Lawmaker Wants To Revoke Scholarships If Athletes Protest (HuffPo 12/15/15)
- Supreme Court Justices Look Anew At Affirmative Action In Texas (Huff Po 12/6/15)
- Students’ Protests May Play Role in Supreme Court Case on Race in Admissions (NYT 12/1/15)
- John Hope Franklin: Race & the Meaning of America (NYBooks 12/15)
- Woodrow Wilson, Princeton, and the Complex Landscape of Race (The Nation 11/30/15)
- The Inheritance of Disaffection (NYT 11/30/15)
- With Diversity Comes Intensity in Amherst Free Speech Debate (NYT 11/28/15)
- We, the people, remain filled with rage: Race, Yale, p.c. and a nation spinning apart (Salon 11/25/15)
- Sharp Divisions Emerge On Campuses as Some Criticize Activists' Tactics as Intimidation (LAT 11/20/15)
- Protests and Controversies Over Race Proliferate on Campuses (IHE 11/20/15)
- The Demands (11/19/15)
- Aided By Social Media, College Students Find New Power in Campus Protests (LAT 11/18/15)
- The Missouri Tigers and the Hidden History of Black College Football Activists (Nation 11/12/15)
- Margaret Spellings’ For-Profit (and Discriminatory) Past (The Academe Blog 11/11/15)
- Ithaca College Students Demand School's President Step Down In Mizzou-Inspired Protest (Huff Po 11/11/15)
- Racial Disparities in Higher Education: an Overview (CHE 11/10/15)
- 3 Lessons From University of Missouri President Tim Wolfe’s Resignation (The Nation 11/9/15)
- Racial tensions escalate at U of Missouri and Yale (IHE 11/9/15)
- Missouri Football Players Boycott in Protest of University President (NYT 11/8/15)
- What Is Going On at the University of Missouri? (CHE 11/6/15)
- Study Finds Race is Growing Explanatory Factor for SAT Scores in California (IHE 10/27/15)
- Is the Wesleyan Student Government Taking Down its Campus Newspaper? (Student Activism 10/19/15)
- Senate Leader Ventures into UC Admissions Thicket (Sac Bee 10/16/15)
- "Women in Our Field" , "My Women Colleagues" Apology (Cloudminder 10/10/15)
- Women Faculty Face Bias at UCLA Business School, Study Says (LAT 10/8/15)
- Fisher...at UC (Cloudminder 10/7/15)
- How a Little-Known Education Office Has Forced Far-Reaching Changes to Campus Sex Assault Investigations (LAT 8/17/15)
- Racial Wealth Gap Persists Despite Degree, Study Says (NYT 8/16/15)
- Why 100 Black Intellectuals Rallied Behind This Professor (The Nation 7/14/15)
- How far Should UC Go With an Anti-Semitism Policy? (LAT 7/16/15)
- Essay Rekindles Debate About Racism in Graduate Programs (IHE 7/14/15)
- UC Berkeley’s Persistent Lack of Faculty Diversity Prompts Efforts to Address iIssue (Daily Cal 7/12/15)
- College Law Enforcement Administrators Hear Approach to Make Title IX More Effective (IHE 7/6/15)
- Black Sociology Prof Who Tweeted About Confederate Flag, White Supremacy Out at U of Memphis (Student Activism 6/30/15)
- Supreme Court Will Once Again Consider Affirmative Action in College Admissions (IHE 6/30/15)
- Barnard College, After Much Discussion, Decides to Accept Transgender Women (NYT 6/4/15)
- Minorities and Poor College Students are Shouldering the Most Student Debt (Danielle Douglas-Gabriel 5/19/15)
- Students Accused of Sexual Assault Struggle to Win Gender Bias Lawsuits (IHE 5/1/15)
- Columbia University Bans Workers From Speaking Spanish (Corey Robin 4/24/15)
- Colleges Respond to Racist Incidents as if Their Chief Worry Is Bad PR, Studies Find (CHE 4/21/15)
- Ivy League Stiffs Its Female Profs (Daily Beast 4/9/15)
- Arizona Professor Received A Bunch Of Threatening Emails After Fox News Segment About His Class (Huff Po 3/31/15)
- U. of Maryland Wrestles with How to Punish Fraternity Member who sent Racist, Sexist E-mail (IHE 3/16/15)
- One Speaker's Thoughts on Campus Litigation, Free Speech and Hostile Environments (Huff Po 3/15/15)
- Expulsion of Two Oklahoma Students Over Video Leads to Free Speech Debate (NYT 3/11/15)
- The Historical Roots of Fraternity Racism (HNN 3/10/15)
- Several Sigma Alpha Epsilon Chapters Accused of Racism in Recent Years (IHE 3/10/15)
- Sanctions Put Academic Freedoms to a Test on a Campus Far From Tehran (NYT 2/22/15)
- College Debt Is Crippling Black Graduates' Ability To Gain Wealth (Huff Po 2/18/15)
- UC Latino Demographics (UCLAFA 2/12/15)
- Report Details Microaggressions on Campuses for Students of Color and Women (IHE 1/8/15)
- The U.S. Has More Jails Than Colleges. Here’s a Map of Where Those Prisoners Live. (Wa Po 1/6/15)
- For Recent Black College Graduates, a Tougher Road to Employment (NYT 12/24/14)
- Debate at Brandeis Over Student's Twitter Comments on Murder of NYC Police Officers (IHE 12/23/14)
- Lawsuits Allege Affirmative Action Violations (IHE 11/18/14)
- Q&A: Why Protesters Are Standing Their Ground at Syracuse U (CHE 11/10/14)
- Study Finds Serious Attrition Issues for Black and Latino Doctoral Students (IHE 11/3/14)
- Opponent of Israel Boycott is Accused of Uncivil Conduct (IHE 10/15/14)
- Writing About Sexism in Academia Hurts (Vitae 10/9/14)
- The Resegregation of America's Public Schools (To The Point 8/29/14)
- EEOC: Harold Washington College Passed Over Job Applicant because of Age (Chicago Tribune 7/31/14)
- UC System Reconsiders Policy Barring Discrimination Against Non-American Researchers (IHE 7/16/14)
- UCLA's Anderson School Has a Major Woman Problem (Bloomberg 6/6/14)
- Fostering Gender Equity on STEM Faculties Is Not My Job, Some Officials Say (CHE 6/6/14)
- Gender Bias Alleged at UCLA's Anderson Business School (Wall Street Journal 6/4/14)
- Report Reveals Gender Inequity in UCLA Anderson Faculty (Daily Bruin 6/2/14)
- Elliot Rodger is our Problem (Salon 5/31/14)
- Transparency vs. Censorship (IHE 5/29/14)
- Why Do Most Black and Latino Students Go to Two-Year Colleges? (The Atlantic 5/22/14)
- 60 Years After Brown v. BOE, Mostly White Reformers Try To Fix 'The Civil Rights Issue Of Our Generation' (HuffPo 5/17/14)
- Schools v. Prisons: Education's the way to Cut Prison Population (Mercury News 5/16/14)
- School Segregation Across The Country Proves Students Are Still Separate (HuffPo 5/15/14)
- Is Closing of Gender Studies Center a Coincidence? (IHE 5/14/14)
- UCLA Admissions of Latinos Trails UC (Daily Bruin 4/29/14)
- Supreme Court Rules States Can Ignore 14th Amendment in University Admissions (NYT 4/22/14)
- Segregation Now (Pro Publica 4/16/14)
- Plans Campaigns Against 3 Universities (CHE 4/7/14)
- Podcast: The Targeting of Free Speech & Activism Around Palestinians on University or College Campuses (FDL 4/6/14)
- Hinduism Experts Fear Lasting Effects of Controversy Over Scholar’s Book (CHE 4/3/14)
- "Reforming" Education Laws to Defund Middle East Studies Programs (Mondoweiss 4/2/14)
- Are SC Legislators Harming State Universities on Behalf on Anti-Gay Groups? (FDL 3/31/14)
- College Presidents in Denial on Race (IHE 3/31/14)
- Experiences with underrepresentation: “I, Too, Am Berkeley” (Daily Cal 3/25/14)
- No Quick Fix for Troubling Issues of Race at University of California Campuses (SacBee 3/23/14)
- U.S. schools plagued by inequality along racial lines, study finds (LAT 3/21/14)
- Study Results:An Ethos of Respect and Inclusion (Campus Climate Study 3/19/14)
- How Widespread is Racism at Uni? (Guardian 3/14/14)
- Free Speech or Hostility? (IHE 3/12/14)
- S.C. House Keeps Financial Penalty for Gay-Themed Book (IHE 3/11/14)
- Affirmative Action at California Colleges: A Debate Based on Fear (LAT 3/7/14)
- Remembering the UC San Diego Cookout, the Noose, and their Aftermath (San Diego Free Press 3/4/14)
- Who Should Teach Ethnic Studies? (IHE 2/27/14)
- Minority Male Students Face Challenge to Achieve at Community Colleges (CHE 2/26/14)
- Cal State L.A. Faculty Approve Ethnic Studies Requirement (LAT 2/25/14)
- Colorblind Notion Aside, Colleges Grapple With Racial Tension (NYT 2/24/14)
- South Carolina Legislators Cut University Funding Over Gay-Themed Books (WaPo 2/21/14)
- South Carolina Lawmakers Question Books on Gay Topics (IHE 2/21/14)
- University Of Mississippi Offers Reward To Find Vandals Who Put Noose On Desegregation Statue (Huff Po 2/18/14)
- UCLA Law Students of Color Sound an Alarm (The Nation 2/13/14)
- Ultimatum on King Day (IHE 1/21/14)
- Students of Color Solidarity Coalition Expresses Ongoing Discontent with Napolitano (Daily Cal 12/16/13)
- Adding Faculty After Sit-In (IHE 12/9/13)
- Pushed Out of a Job Early (NYT 12/6/13)
- African American Caucus Calls for Investigation of UC and CSU Treatment of Underrepresented Students (Daily Cal 12/4/13)
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- To Be a Black Man at UCLA (IHE 11/11/13)
- UCLA Has More NCAA Championships Than Black Male Freshmen (HuffPo 11/8/13)
- Free Speech at Brown (Again) (IHE 11/7/13)
- UC To Form Workgroup on Faculty Discrimination Policies (Daily Bruin 11/7/13)
- UC to Evaluate Racial Discrimination Policies in Wake of UCLA Complaints (The Daily Cal 11/3/13)
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- Bias and Discrimination at UCLA (KCRW 10/23/13)
- Report Faults UCLA’s Handling of Faculty Complaints of Racial Bias (CHE 10/21/13)
- Study Faults UCLA's Handling of Faculty's Racial Bias Complaints (LAT 10/18/13)
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- Public Universities Ramp Up Aid for the Wealthy, Leaving the Poor Behind (Pro Publica 9/11/13)
- Rise of International Rankings May Heighten Inequalities Between and Within Institutions (CHE 8/15/13)
- Meritocracy or Bias? (IHE 8/13/13)
- Poorer Students Risk Losing Out to 'Middle-Class Bias' (Guardian 8/10/13)
- Will Liberals Stand Up to “Corporate School Reform”? (Salon 8/3/13)
- Higher Ed: Engine of Inequity (IHE 7/31/13)
- English education policy is based on a nasty little theory (Guardian 7/22/13)
- How Higher Education Reinforces the Intergenerational Reproduction of White Racial Privilege (Georgetown U 7/13)
- Increasing Reliance on Out-of-State Students Reduces Socio-Economic and Racial Diversity (IHE 4/30/13)
- A rupture in the everyday (San Diego City Beat 5/23/11)
- Equal Time for 'Traditional Values' (IHE 4/25/11)
- Senate Republicans Block Dream Act (HuffPo 12/18/10)
- CA Supreme Court Debates In-State Status for Undocumented Immigrants (CHE 10/5/10)
Lost Funding
5 hours ago