The most interesting news is that one of UC's unions is suing the university for full disclosure of financial records. More on this front soon.
And here's a clip from the California Teacher's Association laying blame for the cuts at the door of Arnold Schwarzenengger, which UCOP and the Regents have been unwilling to do.
The Sac Bee has a piece on Sacramento's 90,000 state workers losing yesterday's pay. Please help me find new ways to say "Arnold Hooverman."
The San Francisco Chronicle has a piece on the UC cuts. The New York Times covers UC President Mark Yudof's annoucement of cuts as a done deal, but includes examples of what might actually be eliminated. The LA Times piece focuses on furloughs, one union's rejection of cuts, and ends with the new Chair of the Board of Regents, Russ Gould, saying the commission to study the UC future "will look at such areas as the university's use of technology and how big the UC should be."
Back to campus reactions, which do not focus on unbuilding UC and are not covered in the papers.
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Not safe
23 hours ago
From the account of the meeting at UCSB:
"[Executive Vice Chancellor] Lucas told us that the real problem was Sacramento and that it wasn't important for the administrators to speak to the press--rather, the job is ours; we are to "write to our legislators," if we want to see real change. The admin is "hamstrung" by Sacramento. Incredible patronizing deflection"
Rather than faculty speaking to the press to do the work of the administation, we should speak to the press and the public to unseat the administration.
Rather than cutting essential educational services and preserving the administration, the administration should be cut first.
While the administration has a bureacracy to do outreach, the administration actually has no direct contact with the public. In contrast, faculty have direct contact with the public in the persons of our students and their families.
The meme of waste and fraud in the UC administration is already out there. That is their soft underbelly.
Stenography is what the Times does best, so I wasn't surprised to see the decision presented as a fait accompli, just as the OP wishes. Note that embedding is enabled on the latest Yudof video, while it was not on the first. Suddenly, the OP discovers how to do PR!
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