The administration at at least one campus is now inviting direct contact between faculty and the Regents. These are their addresses. Do this! It is especially important given the top-down disarticulated nature of UC.
See the first comment below for a model letter.
Not safe
23 hours ago
Sample letter, raising the issue of compliance that was so aptly identified in an eloquent petition out of UC-Berkeley:
Dear UC Regents,
I ask you to postpone your meeting and vote of July 14th, since your campuses have not yet had adequate time to consider the options that UCOP presents; moreover, it appears that you have no options on the table as yet that can withstand legal scrutiny. Given that The Standing Order authorizing the UC President to implement a furlough/salary reduction plan in a state of financial emergency requires, among five conditions, that "other reductions of University expenditures through established University regulations and procedures are insufficient to stabilize the financial position"--and that we have not seen a transparent rendering of the system budget nor a layout of alternate funding options being pursued--President Yudof's options appear not to be in compliance. This has no doubt been brought to your attention by several petitions which have circulated through the system and are igniting grave concern among UC employees. These petitions certainly sparked my concern. You may also be aware that your campuses overwhelmingly resist granting President Yudof emergency powers. In the interest of the UC's future, we recognize that we must work together honestly and productively. The faculty and staff of the UC ask you to proceed in a fair and legal manner, involving your ten campuses in the process of decision making, providing full disclosure and reasonable time to strategize with your campuses for best options for each campus and the system. The draconian measures you are contemplating cannot be credibly "pushed through" fairly early in the summer term and without the participation and support of your campuses. From what I have observed, UC faculty and staff earnestly want to work with you to create the best possible outcome for public higher education in California during this budget crisis--and we do recognize the severity of the crisis. We also recognize that we ought to be fighting for the same goals. Your postponement of your vote will send a strong message to staff and faculty that you are justly considering the best possible future for the nation's most outstanding university system and for the youth of California, who depend upon the UC for the skills necessary to enter a 21st century economy.
Dear University of California Regents,
In the interest of quality public higher education, I ask that you consider alternatives
to the "cut cut cut" proposals being advanced by President Yudof. Over the last few
years, the UC has been cut to the bone, along with rising student fees (for declining
quality of education, given all the cuts). The UC as we know it--a world class system of
higher education--cannot sustain ANY more cuts at all, not in student aid, not in staff
salaries, not in layoffs or furloughs.
Instead, a plan should be developed to pursue the revenue stream of out-of-state
students, which would allow for the restoration and growth rather than demise of the UC.
A positive, income-generating plan for the UC would be good for the university, the
state, and public education at every level; if state money is not available for the UC,
then non-state alternatives would, in principle, enable more state money to be directed
to other parts of the public educational system (that can't or doesn't attract
out-of-state students), including the community colleges that are feeders to the UC.
I suggest that the current cost of out-of-state tuition be slightly reduced to make the
option more appealing, and the number of out-of-state students admitted be dramatically
increased. This might even allow for the planned--and currently aborted--growth of the
total student population of the UC system.
What is sacrificed by increasing the number of out-of-state students is the guarantee of
so many seats to Californians. But what is there to preserve and fight for if the
university itself is gutted by cuts and the quality of education declines precipitously?
Better to SAVE THE UNIVERSITY, which hires people, sustains economies, and can contribute
to recovery.
Lisa Hajjar
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