There are two broad
schools of thought in the Anglophone world about the permafrost austerity and the
deep cuts that have been applied to public universities. One is that they
reflect reform, and that the
suffering is temporary, the pain transitional, and the outcome cost-effective
improvement. The other school of thought
is that they produce decline, and
that both quality and efficiency are being reduced by systemic cuts and related
changes. Drs. Collini, McGettigan and I
are declinists, though also optimists in the narrow sense of thinking there is
nothing inevitable or necessary about the changes that are harming public
Thus the work of the
book and the reviews is to persuade the first school that changes like the
Cameron government’s sudden 80% cuts in the UK university teaching budget are
in fact both unnecessary and destructive—that the replacement income of tripled
fees and other market-oriented measures create losses rather than gains. Persuasion will be in the eye of the careful
reader, and I hope the McGettigan book attracts quite a few. He shows that Tory
talk was one thing and Tory deeds something else altogether. The Great University Gamble will be
especially valued by anyone interested in what the broad concept of
privatization really means in technical practice. How you really do that is fully explained in the long-play version, with the
nuance required to see the operating system behind Tory beliefs.
The declinists are in
turn comprised of various groups. One
might be called the fatalists, who
are deeply unhappy about what is happening to their universities but who don’t
see intentionality or design, at least ones that could be blocked or redressed.
Another are depressives, and this is
a psychologically interesting position that I can’t go into here. A third are anti-commercialists—not anti-commerce in a general sense but
anti-commercialism, where commercialism is
an ideology that deals with economic adversity, turbulence, injustice, and
confusion by saying commercialize
Prof. Collini and I could
be classed as opposing this master narrative, often called neoliberal, and as
you read the two reviews you will see a shared sense that behind the assurances
of efficient budgets and increased quality lies the goal of commercializing
universities all the way down, norming their goals and practices to those of
for-profit firms.
Anyone writing from this
position needs to master technical detail for the purpose of constructing
arguments that will appeal both to allies and to opponents. My own method in the LARB review is to use
Dr. McGettigan’s formidable research to deduce government motive from government
policy implementation, crossing off one declared goal after the other until we
get to what is really going on. I also say a few things about why commercialization
is bad, since the dominant school sees it as a liberating breeze that
brings a vital glow to the excessively cloistered academic cheek. Even commercialization
is not, as I see it, the final Conservative goal. But to see how this works you’d
have to read through to Sections V and VI of the piece.
My title alludes to my
sense that those who say they favor reform are not rightly called reformers but counterreformers, and that they are not adapting ad hoc to a
changing situation but aim at a full counterreformation, which I outline there.
The main way today’s conventional wisdom deals with such arguments is to cast
them as resistance to inevitable change, but even sympathetic skeptics about
the declinist analysis reasonably ask, what do declinists favor? What are
declinists for?
Fortunately, Stefan
Collini has written an entire book called What
Are Universities For? A complex answer lies therein. One way to think about it in a policy context
is as the a strong public good
understanding of education. This is an economic discourse that is woefully
underdeveloped if not falsified in standard economics. This abstract discourse
of the public good—or common, or commonwealth—is embodied in Prof. Collini’s
book as the limitless pursuit of human knowledge.
This discussion emerges in his uncomfortable relationship to the humanism of Cardinal Newman, and I quote him (Prof. Collini) in part.
This discussion emerges in his uncomfortable relationship to the humanism of Cardinal Newman, and I quote him (Prof. Collini) in part.
better way to characterize the intellectual life of universities may be to say
that the drive towards understanding can never accept an arbitrary
stopping-point, and critique may always in principle reveal that any currently
accepted stopping-point is ultimately arbitrary. Human understanding, when not
chained to a particular instrumental task, is restless, always pushing onwards,
though not in a single or fixed or entirely knowable direction, and there is no
one moment along that journey where we can say in general or in the abstract
that the degree of understanding being sought has passed from the useful to the
useless. In other words, it is not the subject-matter itself that determines
whether something is, at a particular moment, classed as ‘useful’ or ‘useless’.
Almost any subject can fall under either description. Rather, it is a question
of whether enquiry into that subject is being undertaken under the sign of
limitlessness – that is to say, not just, as with the development of all
knowledge, subject to the testing of hypotheses or the revision of errors, but
where the open-ended quest for understanding has primacy over any application
or intermediate outcome.
This is the tip of the
iceberg of the impact of the university on public or common knowledge, where
the university is one place devoted, in theory, but utterly, to maximizing the power of human
thought to save us from ourselves. Limitless
knowledge is a central public stake in
the contemporary battles for the university, and the book and these reviews are
written in the knowledge that commercialism doesn’t have what it takes to
support this work.
The piece at LARB is no longer available there. Can it be found anywhere else?
the link above still works for me --
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