Day of Action Live Blog November 15th (Daily Cal)
Regents' cancellation coverage: LA Times; San Jose Mercury News (with UCPD chief quote that the protesters "chose physical confrontation")
Regents Cancellation doesn't slow protests at UC and CSU.
NBC LA says "leave the powerless Regents alone"
Occupy Student Debt
Decade-old decline in Illinois college attainment, which once led the country (Penn study).
Washington governor proposes an additional 15% cut for state's higher education system
Mayors coordinated on how to move against Occupations in their cities. NYPD moved against press as well as protesters. Was the Federal Government part of the planning?
Large Protests and Open University at Berkeley.
Occupy Movement spreading on California Campuses.
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- Protest Links-Delayed by Our Day Jobs Edition (Upd...
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- Live blogging regents as best we can
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- Breaking the Cycle of Violence
- UC Trunchon and Pepper Spray Response Roundup (Exp...
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- Links for November 17
- Links for November 16
- Links for Tuesday November 15th (Updated Throughou...
- Resolution to Be Presented to the Berkeley Academi...
- Links for November 14th
- Why I Got Arrested with Occupy Cal--and How
- Account of UCLA Protests; ACLU Complaint to UC Ber...
- Another Reality (Remarks at UC Irvine Protest, 11/...
- Officer 14 Tweaks on the Line- Occupy Cal 11/9 (UP...
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